Thursday, March 28, 2024

ESL WORKSHEET - Toys, Environment and Nature


Sep. 27, 2021

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: Business English
Tags: Environment And Nature; Behavior, Feelings And Emotions; Ethics And Conduct; Health And Well-being; Innovation And Product Development; Marketing; Public Relations; Pronunciation; IELTS; Article Based; Video Talk
Publication date: 09/27/2021

The topic of this lesson is how toy companies are trying to improve their environmental track record by introducing various reuse and recycle schemes. Students will watch a short video and read an article, as well as defining relevant vocabulary. The lesson offers a choice of two final activities: a set of discussion questions or an interview roleplay. There is also an optional extension activity for students to review pronunciation of vocabulary from the lesson (by Stephanie Hirschman).

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.


Advertisement: Our toys are our teachers...
Voiceover: Toymaker Mattel has launched a new toy take-back program called Mattel Playback, where it will recycle old Barbie, Matchbox cars, and MEGA Bloks and turn them into new usable toys. CEO of toy industry research firm Toys, Tots, Pets, and more, Jim Silver, says Mattel’s move is a great idea.
Jim Silver: You know the consumer is becoming more and more concerned about the future and becoming more eco-friendly. ... uh ... Manufacturers are starting to step up and starting to try and make the environment better. So, I think it’s something that consumers are going to really like, and it’s ... it’s very good for their image.
Voiceover: The company is encouraging consumers to ship their old toys back to Mattel where they are sorted and separated by material type, processed, and recycled. Materials that cannot be recycled will be either downcycled or converted to energy. Silver says more and more companies have started down this path.
Jim Silver: You see board games being manufactured differently that you can reuse the cardboard, or they use a recycled cardboard for it. You see like with the plastic and ... start recycling. I think Mattel being one of the large companies and leaders of the industry, to start this recycling program, I think you can see all of us follow suit.
Voiceover: To participate in the program, consumers can visit Mattel’s website, print a free shipping label, and pack and mail their outgrown Mattel toys back to the company. Mattel said the goal is to recover and reuse materials across all products and packaging by 2030.

Adapted from: Accessed on March 28, 2024. © 2008–2024 All rights reserved.

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