Wednesday, March 27, 2024

ESL WORKSHEET - Telephoning


Mar. 27, 2024

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: Business English
Tags: Desk Work; Business Skills; Telephoning – Taking and Leaving a Message; 18+ Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; Situation Based; Speaking
Publication date: 03/27/2024

In this lesson, we take on the world of telephone messages. Students will watch a short video with a hilarious phone call, and discuss some questions. Then, they will listen to different phone calls, showing what to say when someone can’t come to the phone. They will pronounce different numbers and email addresses, and finally, roleplay a phone call and present a personal anecdote to the class (by Edward Alden).

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audios (Am/Br English).


Anthony: Hello, Anthony Rodriguez speaking.
Mia: Hello, could I speak to Jane Harris, please?
Anthony: I’m afraid she wasn’t feeling too well, so she is not in the office today. Who is calling?
Mia: Mia Collins. I have the reference number she needed?
Anthony: Yes, of course. I will leave a message.

Secretary 1: Yes, this is Mr. Thomas’ office, how can I help?
Olivia: Hello, this is Olivia Edwards. Could I speak to Mr. Thomas?
Secretary 1: I’m sorry, but he is currently visiting a client. I could take a message, if you want.
Olivia: Yes, I am just calling to cancel my meeting with him later. Something came up.
Secretary 1: That is fine, I will let him know that.

Maria: Hello, this is Maria Lima. Could I speak to Ms. Forger?
Secretary 2: Just a moment, I will need to put you on hold.
Maria: That’s ok.
Secretary 2: Sorry for the wait. Ms. Forger is busy at the moment. She is in a meeting.
Maria: May I leave a message?
Secretary 2: Of course!

Man: Hi, is this Sunshine Co.?
Secretary 3: Yes, is there anything I may help you with?
Man: I would like to speak to Mr. Carlson.
Secretary 3: Oh, he has just gone home, I’m afraid. He’s got a busy morning tomorrow, but if you call early tomorrow, you might be able to catch him before his meetings.
Man: I’ll call tomorrow, then. Thank you so much.


Michael: Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to have to fix you. Manage you two, on a more personal scale. A more micro form of management. Jim, what is that called?
Jim: "Micro-gement?"
Michael: Boom. Yes. Now Jim is going to be the client. Dwight, you’re going to have to sell to him without being aggressive, hostile or difficult. Let’s go.
Dwight: All right fine. (imitating a phone ringing) Bbbrrring (bing).
Jim: Hello.
Dwight: Hello, this is Dwight Schrute from the Dunder Mifflin paper company.
Jim: Well, that’s great because I need paper.
Dwight: Excellent, then you are in luck because we are having a limited time offer, only on EVERYTHING.
Jim: Wow, this is my lucky day!
Michael: (whispered) Ask him his name.
Dwight: What is your name sir?
Jim: I am Bill Buttlicker.
Dwight: Really, that’s your real name?
Jim: How dare you? My family built this country by the way.
Michael: Be respectful Dwight, please.
Dwight: Yes, Michael.
Jim: Could you hold on one second, it’s my other line.
Dwight: What? No, but I...
Jim: Hello? Yeah. (laughs) No, I’m just on the phone with this STUPID salesman. He’s so dumb. Probably just gonna keep him on the line forever and not buy anything. Okay!
Michael: It’s up to you to change his mind.
Jim: Sorry, that was a family emergency.
Dwight: Oh no, what’s wrong?
Jim: You know what? That’s private.
Michael: Boundaries, Dwight! C’mon!
Dwight: Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Buttlicker! As I was saying: we are having a limited…
Jim: Sorry could you speak up a little bit louder? I’m hard of hearing.
Michael: It’s hard if he’s an old man.
Dwight: Okay, as I was saying right now…
Jim: You gotta talk louder.
Dwight: Okay. Our prices have never been lower…
Jim: Son, you have to talk louder!
Dwight: ... Never been lower!
Michael: Stop it, stop it! That is totally inappropriate. You never yell at the client! Now you listen to me, sir. Here we go.
Jim: The three words I would describe you as, is aggressive, hostile and definitely difficult!
Dwight: Please Mr Buttlicker.
Jim: Am I right, right now?
Michael: Give me the phone.
Dwight: Please give me another chance. Mr Buttlicker?
Michael: Give me the phone.
Dwight: I have to put you on with my boss.
Jim: Well, I should hope so. Who is this?
Michael: Hello. This is Michael Scott, regional manager.
Jim: Well, this is William M. Buttlicker.
Michael: Hello, Mr. Buttlicker. How may we help you?
Jim: Michael, I like the sound of your voice. You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna buy 1 million dollars worth of paper products today.
Michael: See how it’s done? Thank you very much, sir. I don’t think you’ll regret it. See what I did?
Dwight: You’re the master.
Jim: There is one condition Michael.
Michael: Yes?
Jim: You have to fire the salesman that treated me so terribly.
Dwight: Don’t do it, Michael.
Michael: (whispers) It’s a million-dollar sale.

Adapted from: Accessed on March 27, 2024. © 2008–2024 All rights reserved.

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