Wednesday, May 15, 2024

ESL WORKSHEET - TV quiz show


Jul. 26, 2021

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Environment and Nature; Animals and Plants; Forming Questions; Past Tenses; Used To + Infinitive; Mixed Tenses; Vocabulary and Grammar
Publication date: 07/26/2021

Students prepare to listen to a TV quiz show by defining some useful vocabulary about space. The language point reviews a range of question forms with and without auxiliary verbs - it is assumed that students have encountered these forms already. The lesson features quiz questions about animals, geography, the human body, and sports, and students activate the target language in an interactive quiz. There is an optional extension activity related to phrases that we use when we answer difficult questions. (by Stephanie Hirschman)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Host: Welcome back, everyone! Before the commercial break, our contestants completed Round 1, where they answered questions as a group, and we said goodbye to the two lowest scorers. Now, of course, it’s time for the individual rounds, where contestants answer questions about their specialist subjects. As always, our highest scorer from Round 1 goes first, so we’re starting with Maggie. What’s your specialist subject, Maggie?
Maggie: I’m going to answer questions about space.
Host: OK, good luck! Here’s your first question, and remember these questions are multiple-choice, so listen to all the options before you answer. How many rings does the planet Saturn have? Does Saturn have five, seven, or eleven rings?
Maggie: Saturn has seven rings.
Host: Correct. Second question: How fast is the Earth moving as it travels around the sun? Is it 15.5 miles per second, 18.5 miles per second, or 20.5 miles per second?
Maggie: That’s a good question. Mmm… The Earth is moving at 18.5 miles per second.
Host: That’s correct. Question three: Who discovered that the universe contained many galaxies and identified different types of them? Was it: Edmond Halley, Edwin Hubble, or Ed Sheeran?
Maggie: I think it was Edmond Halley.
Host: Oh, I’m sorry, that’s not correct. The answer on my card is Edwin Hubble. Question number 4: If a person weighing 120 pounds went to the Moon, what would they weigh there? Would they weigh 10 pounds, 16 pounds, or 20 pounds?
Maggie: They would weigh around 20 pounds.
Host: Correct. For number five, what did people use to believe that the Moon was made of? Did they use to believe it was made of bread, butter, or cheese?
Maggie: Butter.
Host: I’m afraid that’s the wrong answer. People used to believe the Moon was made of cheese. You have three questions left to answer. Halley’s comet passes by the Earth every 75 years. In what year will this comet approach the Earth again? Will this happen in 2041, 2051, or 2061?
Maggie: I’m not sure. Maybe 2051?
Host: Unlucky! The answer is 2061. Two more questions. Where have China and the USA recently sent unmanned missions to explore? Option one: the moon, option two: Mars, option 3: Venus.
Maggie: I’m going to say Mars.
Host: Correct. Now, for your last question - are you ready?
Maggie: Yes, I am.
Host: Where is NASA’s 2026 Dragonfly mission going to travel to? Is it Saturn’s moon Titan, Jupiter’s moon Europa, or Uranus’s moon Ariel?
Maggie: I studied this one! It’s on the tip of my tongue. Wait!
Host: I need an answer, Maggie. Do you know this one?
Maggie: It’s… It’s... Saturn’s moon Titan.
Host: That’s right! Well done! Let’s take a look at your score.

Adapted from: Accessed on May 15, 2024. © 2008–2024 All rights reserved.

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