Wednesday, May 15, 2024

ESL WORKSHEET - Pharmacist


Jul. 7, 2021

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Medicine, Biology and Health; Health and Illness; Giving Opinions; Vocabulary and Grammar
Publication date: 07/07/2021

Students define key vocabulary related to speaking to a pharmacist. They listen to three pharmacy situations and recognize functional language for instructions and advice. The language is activated in a pair work speaking activity. There is also a short optional extension activity about common expressions related to health and illness. (by Stephanie Hirschman)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Pharmacist: Next, please.
Customer 1: Hi. My son’s not feeling very well, and I wanted to get something to help. He feels pretty hot, and he has a dry cough. He tested negative for Covid.
Pharmacist: Have you taken his temperature?
Customer 1: No, I don’t have a thermometer at home. How much do they cost?
Pharmacist: This one costs twenty dollars. You should check his temperature regularly. If his fever goes very high or lasts for more than two days, you need to call the doctor.
Customer 1: And for the cough?
Pharmacist: How old is he?
Customer 1: He’s twelve.
Pharmacist: We have a very good cough syrup for kids. The instructions are on the side of the bottle. Has he ever had any side effects from cough medicine before, like sickness or sleepiness?
Customer 1: No, he hasn’t.
Pharmacist: That’s fine then. Here you go.
Customer 1: Thanks. Where do I pay?
Pharmacist: Please pay my colleague at the register at the front.

Pharmacist: Who’s next?
Customer 2: Hello. I wanted some advice about sunscreen and insect repellent. I’m going to an outdoor music festival next weekend. Last year I used some stuff that I got at the supermarket, but it wasn’t very good. What would you recommend?
Pharmacist: I recommend this sunscreen. Actually, all of the sunscreens we sell give good protection, but you have to remember to put more on every couple of hours.
Customer 2: Ok. I’ll take this one then. And for mosquitoes? I had a lot of mosquito bites last year.
Pharmacist: We have a very good product, but it doesn’t look like there’s any on the shelf right now. Let me just see if it’s in stock. Ah, yes, this is it. It’s more expensive than the supermarket stuff, but it really works.
Customer 2: I’ll give it a try. Thanks. How much is that altogether?
Pharmacist: That’s fifteen ninety-eight. Just tap your card on the machine. That’s fine. Thanks!
Customer 2: Thanks!

Pharmacist: How can I help you?
Customer 3: I need this prescription filled, please.
Pharmacist: Certainly. This is a repeat prescription for eye drops?
Customer 3: That’s right. I have very dry eyes.
Pharmacist: So, you already know that with this condition it’s important that you limit your time on the computer.
Customer 3: Yes, I know.
Pharmacist: And it’s also a good idea to do some eye exercises every day.
Customer 3: Yes, my doctor explained. I’m doing those.
Pharmacist: Fine. Here you go. As this is covered by your insurance, you have nothing to pay. Just sign here.
Customer 3: Thanks so much!

Adapted from: Accessed on May 15, 2024. © 2008–2024 All rights reserved.

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