Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Glory to God in the highest!


Glory to God in the highest
Sing glory to God
Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth

Glory to God in the highest
Sing glory to God
Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth

Lord God, heavenly king
Almighty God and Father
We worship You, we give you thanks
We praise You for Your glory

Glory to God in the highest
Sing glory to God
Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth

Lord Jesus Christ
Only Son of the Father
Lord God, Lamb of God
You take away the sin of the world
Have mercy on us
You are seated at the right hand of the Father
Receive our prayer

Glory to God in the highest
Sing glory to God
Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth

For You alone are the Holy One
You alone are the Lord
The Most High Jesus Christ
With the Holy Spirit
In the glory of God the Father

(Glory to God) Glory to God in the highest
(And sing) sing glory to God
(Glory to God) Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth
Glory to God in the highest
(And sing) sing glory to God
(Glory to God) Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth

Album: Creating God
℗ 1989 GIA Publications, Inc.
Released on: January 1, 1989
Artist: David Haas
Composer: David Haas
Lyricist: David Haas

CLICK HERE to download/listen to the song.

SEE YOU IN 2025... 😉💖

ESL WORKSHEET - Celebrating Christmas


Nov. 28, 2022

Level: Starter (A0-A1)
Type of English: English for Kids
Tags: Celebrations and Special Events; Rhymes and Songs; Singing Songs; Art; 4-6 Years Old
Publication date: 11/28/2022

This lesson focuses on the Christmas Holiday. Students start by singing a traditional Christmas song. They are then introduced to some simple Christmas vocabulary and complete a variety of multi-sensory games and activities to practice the words. Students then make some Christmas decorations for the classroom and create their own reindeer heads. (by V. Aitken)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.

Adapted from: https://www.linguahouse.com/esl-lesson-plans/english-for-kids/merry-christmas. Accessed on December 17, 2024. LinguaHouse.com © 2008–2024. All rights reserved.

ESL WORKSHEET - Time to celebrate


Dec. 10, 2024

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Celebrations and Special Events; Vocabulary Lesson; Speaking; Phrasal Verbs; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 12/10/2024

This refreshed phrasal verb worksheet is a great lesson filler to use just before or just after the Christmas and New Year holiday break. Nine common phrasal verbs are presented in a festive context. Suitable for intermediate level and above. (by Luca Burns)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Speaker: Anna was really looking forward to the holiday season this year. She had planned everything meticulously, but as the day approached, she had to put off some of her preparations because she got really busy at work. She still managed to put up the Christmas tree and hang up some decorations around the house.
One evening, while wrapping up gifts for her family, Anna decided to give up her habit of procrastinating and promised herself to be more organized next year.
On Christmas Eve, she ended up staying home because the weather was terrible. She had planned to go out with her friends, but they all decided it was safer to stay in. However, the evening turned out great when she bumped into her old friend, Tom, at the local grocery store. They hadn’t seen each other in years and ended up spending the evening together, reminiscing about old times.

Adapted from: https://www.linguahouse.com/esl-lesson-plans/general-english/festive-phrasal-verbs. Accessed on December 17, 2024. LinguaHouse.com © 2008–2024. All rights reserved.


Aprenda 15 palavras em INGLÊS 
sobre o NATAL

24 dez. 2020

O Natal chegou e, com ele, também chegaram as comemorações em torno desta data tão especial em diversos lugares do mundo.
Você sabia que além de se dedicar às decorações e aos presentes, você pode aproveitar a ocasião para aprender e treinar o seu Inglês?
Como praticamente tudo que existe, o Natal também nos traz um rico vocabulário, que fica mais gostoso e divertido de ser estudado e praticado nesta época do ano.
Por isso, abaixo nós te contamos 15 palavras na Língua Inglesa para você arrasar na ceia de Natal.

Vocabulário de Natal

1. Natal – a forma de chamar o Natal em Inglês é “Christmas”, que também aparece abreviado para “Xmas”. “Merry Christmas” é o nosso “Feliz Natal”.
  • We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. (Nós desejamos a você e à sua família um feliz Natal.)
2. Papai Noel – na Língua Inglesa, o bom velhinho é chamado de “Santa Claus”.
  • Santa Claus will arrive at midnight. (O Papai Noel chegará à meia-noite.)
3. Trenó – o trenó do Papai Noel em Inglês é “sleigh”.
  • I could hear the bells of the sleigh from my house. (Eu consegui ouvir os sinos do trenó da minha casa.)
4. Rena – quem puxa o trenó são as renas, chamadas de “reindeer”.
  • The reindeer take Santa’s sleigh around the world. (As renas levam o trenó do Papai Noel pelo mundo todo.)
5. Chaminé – já o local de entrada do Santa Claus na casa, a chaminé, ganha o nome de “chimney”.
  • Santa Claus is going to slide down the chimney. (O Papai Noel vai escorregar pela chaminé.)
6. Lareira – a chaminé leva até a lareira, que é chamada de “fireplace”.
  • Santa Claus has to be careful not to burn himself in the fireplace. (O Papai Noel tem que tomar cuidado para não se queimar na lareira.)
7. Cântico de Natal – esse muitas pessoas podem não saber: “Christmas Carol”.
  • Silent Night is one of the most famous Christmas carols. (Noite Feliz é uma das músicas de Natal mais famosas.)
8. Noite de Natal – a véspera de Natal, celebrada no dia 24 de dezembro, é chamada de “Christmas Eve”. A palavra “eve” é a mesma que aparece em “New Year’s Eve”, ou seja, Noite de Ano Novo.
  • Our family will get together on Christmas Eve. (Nossa família vai se reunir na noite de Natal.)
9. Enfeites de Natal – os enfeites de Natal são chamados “Christmas ornaments” e alguns deles são bem fáceis de aprender, como a árvore de Natal e as bolas de Natal. Basta unir “Christmas” com os seus nomes em Inglês, portanto, “Christmas tree” e “Christmas balls”.
  • I bought new Christmas ornaments for my tree this year. (Eu comprei novos enfeites de Natal para a minha árvore este ano.)
10. Cartão de Natal – o mesmo acontece com “card” e “Christmas”, fazendo de “Christmas card” o mesmo que cartão de Natal.
  • I wrote a Christmas card for my mother. (Eu escrevi um cartão de Natal para a minha mãe.)
11. Guirlanda de Natal – as guirlandas são chamadas de “Christmas wreath”.
  • This year I put Christmas wreaths on all the doors of my house. (Este ano eu coloquei guirlandas de Natal em todas as portas da minha casa.)
12. Pisca-pisca – já o pisca-pisca, ou as luzinhas de Natal, são as “fairy lights” - lembrando que “fairy” é o mesmo que “fada”, portanto, o nome lembra algo como “luzes de fadas” (também pode ser chamado de “Christmas lights”).
  • My favorite part of Christmas is seeing the streets decorated with fairy lights. (A minha parte favorita do Natal é ver as ruas decoradas com pisca-piscas.)
13. Presépio – o cenário do nascimento do menino Jesus recebe o nome de “Nativity scene”.
  • Don’t forget to buy a new Nativity scene. (Não se esqueça de comprar um presépio novo.)
14. Amigo oculto (secreto) – o bom e velho amigo oculto, querido por muitos e nem tanto por outros, é chamado de “secret Santa”.
  • I really don’t like secret Santa. (Eu realmente não gosto de amigo secreto.)
15. Presentes – os presentes podem ser chamados de “gifts” ou de “presents”.
  • I love seeing a lot of presents underneath the Christmas tree. (Eu amo ver muitos presentes sob a árvore de Natal.)

Um ótimo aprendizado de Língua Inglesa e... FELIZ NATAL!

Adaptado de: https://culturainglesamg.com.br/blog/vocabulario-de-natal-aprenda-14-palavras-em-ingles-para-usar-no-fim-de-ano/. Acesso em: 17 dez. 2024. © Cultura Inglesa MG. Todos os direitos reservados.

Celebrating Christmas


Tim Barrett
Dec. 13, 2018

Na casa do Tim Barrett, um típico lar americano, eles gostam de celebrar o Natal. No mini podcast, Barrett ensina a fazer perguntas em Inglês sobre os planos para o Natal.

  • Are you going to celebrate Christmas this year?
  • I am / Am I…?
  • You are / Are you..?
  • He is / Is he…?
  • She is / Is she…?
  • It is / Is it…?
  • We are / Are we…?
  • You are / Are you…?
  • They are / Are they…?
  • You are my friend. / Are you my friend?
  • I am + going + infinitve (to be, to celebrate, to eat, etc.)
  • I am going to celebrate Christmas this year.
  • I’m gonna celebrate Christmas.
  • Are you going to get presents for Christmas?
  • Are you gonna participate? I hope so.
  • You are going to celebrate Christmas. / Are you going to celebrate Chrismas?

Lista de atividades relacionadas com o Natal:
  • wrap up presents (embrulhar presents)
  • decorate your house (enfeitar a sua casa)
  • put up a Christmas tree (montar uma árvore de Natal)
  • decorate outside of your house (enfeitar o lado de fora de sua casa)
  • hang up stockings (pendurar meias - de Natal)
  • have a Christmas party at school (ter uma festa de Natal na escola)
  • go caroling / sing carols (fazer serenata de músicas natalinas)
  • go ice-skating (patinar no gelo)
  • give presents (dar presentes)
  • open presents (abrir presentes)
  • get presents (receber presentes)
  • put presents under the tree (colocar presentes embaixo da árvore)
  • exchange presents with your friends (trocar presentes com os seus amigos)
  • go to church (ir para a igreja)
  • send Christmas cards (enviar cartões de Natal)
  • visit family (visitar a família)
  • get together with your family (reunir-se com a família)
  • eat a turkey dinner (comer uma ceia de Natal - com carne de peru)
  • give something to homeless people (dar algo para pessoas desabrigadas/moradores de rua)
  • donate something to a charity (doar algo para uma instituição de caridade)
  • travel (viajar)
  • think about the real meaning of Christmas (pensar sobre o verdadeiro significado do Natal)
  • celebrate the birth of Jesus (celebrar o nascimento de Jesus)

DOMINE INGLÊS no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/domineingles_oficial/

CLIQUE AQUI para escutar (e baixar) o podcast.

Adaptado de: https://domineingles.com.br/perguntas-sobre-planos-natal-ingles/. Acesso em: 17 dez. 2024. Domine Inglês. All rights reserved. © 2024.

ESL WORKSHEET - Prepositions


Dec. 12, 2024

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Grammar Practice; Prepositions; Speaking; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 12/12/2024

This updated lesson plan covers the different uses of the prepositions of movement to, into, in and at. The worksheet is suitable for both classroom practice and self-study. (by Luca Burns)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Narrator: One
Speaker: Sarah decided to go for a walk in the park. She walked to the entrance and saw her friend standing at the gate. They both entered the park and strolled along the pathway. Sarah noticed a beautiful flowerbed and sat down on a bench nearby. After a while, they walked to the pond and watched the ducks swimming in the water. As they continued their walk, they saw children playing in the playground and dogs running around in the open field. Eventually, Sarah and her friend left the park and went to a café at the corner of the street.
Narrator: Two
Speaker: Mark decided to spend his Saturday afternoon at the local library. He walked to the main entrance and was greeted by the friendly librarian. Mark first headed to the fiction section, where he browsed through various novels. After selecting a couple of books, he moved to the reading area and settled into a comfortable chair. As he read, he noticed a group of children gathered in the corner for a storytelling session. Curious, he joined them and listened to a captivating story about a magical forest. After the session ended, Mark decided to explore the non-fiction section and found a book on ancient civilizations that piqued his interest. Satisfied with his finds, Mark checked out his books and left the library, feeling content with his productive afternoon.

Adapted from: https://www.linguahouse.com/esl-lesson-plans/general-english/prepositions-of-movement-to-into-in-at. Accessed on December 17, 2024. LinguaHouse.com © 2008–2024. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Make a go of…

O que significa esta expressão

By Ivy do Carmo Figueiredo
Dec. 13, 2024

Leia a frase abaixo e tente traduzi-la na mente:
  • She knew she could make a go of it!
E aí, conseguiu? A expressão make a go of pode confundir um pouco, mas saiba que ela não deve ser traduzida literalmente. Então, o que ela quer dizer?
Make a go of, muitas vezes seguido de it, significa “ser bem-sucedido”, “conseguir” ou “fazer (algo) dar certo”. Então, veja as possíveis traduções da frase mencionada no início do texto:
  • Ela sabia que poderia ser bem-sucedida!
  • Ela sabia que conseguiria!
  • Ela sabia que poderia fazer isso dar certo!
Agora, veja mais exemplos de frases com a expressão make a go of, começando com ela sendo traduzida como “ser bem-sucedido”:
  • He tried starting his own business, but he wasn’t able to make a go of it. (Ele tentou abrir o seu próprio negócio, mas não conseguiu ser bem-sucedido.)
  • We went to different schools, but we were able to make a go of the long-distance relationship. (Nós estudamos em escolas diferentes, mas conseguimos ser bem-sucedidos no relacionamento à distância.)
  • Being a dancer doesn’t pay well, but it was my dream, so I tried my best to make a go of it. (Ser dançarino não paga bem, mas era o meu sonho, então eu fiz o meu melhor para ser bem-sucedido.)
  • She just didn’t have the energy or inclination to make a go of her marriage. (Ela simplesmente não tinha a energia ou a disposição para fazer o seu casamento ser bem-sucedido.)
  • Many businesses are struggling hard to make a go of it. (Muitas empresas estão se esforçando arduamente para ser bem-sucedidas.)
Outra tradução de make a go of é “conseguir”:
  • I did everything I could to make a go of it. (Eu fiz tudo o que pude para conseguir.)
  • I knew we could make a go of it and be happy. (Eu sabia que conseguiríamos e seríamos felizes.)
  • He’d been unable to make a go of life in the city, and so he returned to the small New England village he came from. (Ele havia sido incapaz de conseguir viver na cidade e, então, voltou para a pequena aldeia da Nova Inglaterra de onde veio.)
Por último, veja make a go of significando “fazer (algo) dar certo”:
  • I still want to make a go of this marriage if you do. (Eu ainda quero fazer esse casamento dar certo, se você quiser.)
  • We’ve had quite a few problems in our marriage, but we’re both determined to make a go of it. (Nós tivemos alguns problemas em nosso casamento, mas ambos estamos determinados a fazê-lo dar certo.)
  • She was determined to make a go of her programming business. (Ela estava determinada a fazer o seu negócio de programação dar certo.)

Clique AQUI para baixar o PDF com as frases acima.
Clique AQUI para baixar a gravação com todas as frases em Inglês.

Adaptado de: https://www.mairovergara.com/make-a-go-of-o-que-significa-esta-expressao/. Acesso em: 16 dez. 2024. © Reis Vergara Idiomas 2024. Todos os direitos reservados.

Glory to God in the highest!

“GLORY TO GOD” DAVID HAAS Glory to God in the highest Sing glory to God Glory to God in the highest And peace to His people on earth Glory t...