Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Describing Places


YouTube Channel
Sep. 12, 2023

In this English lesson you’ll come with Bob to several different places, and he’ll help you learn how to describe them. He starts at one lake and ends the day at another, and along the way he makes some stops to teach some English words and phrases to describe each place.
In this lesson you’ll learn words and phrases like remote, secluded, out of the way, the middle of nowhere, down the road, up the street, and more!
Hope you enjoy this free English class on how to describe places! 😉

Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!


  • OUT OF THE WAY: a place that isn’t close by; a place that you don’t drive by regularly – in English, when we describe something as being out of the way, it means that it’s not on our normal road or street, it’s not necessarily a place that you drive by all the time.
  • REMOTE: a place that is far from town, cities, and people – there are hardly any houses, there’s no one even driving on the road, no one really lives around the place.
  • JUST AROUND THE CORNER: this is how we describe something that’s just one street away and one turn away.
  • EASY TO GET TO: convenient, easy to find, usually on a main street – in English, when we describe a place or location as ‘easy to get to’, we mean usually that it’s on a main road: it’s not hidden down a really curvy road in a funny part of town, it’s usually somewhere really easy to find.
  • DOWN THE ROAD (STREET) / UP THE ROAD (STREET): a place within a kilometer or two on the same road or street you are on – it’s a way we describe a place or location that’s close and obviously on the same road where we live.
  • SECLUDED: a place far from other people, tucked away, not easy to see, private – when we say that a place is secluded, we mean that it’s far from everyone else.
  • THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE: a funny way to refer to a place that is remote – in English, when we say that someone lives in ‘the middle of nowhere’, it’s kind of a funny way to say that they live far from everything, that their place is a little bit difficult to find.
  • OFF THE BEATEN PATH (TRACK): a place that is located in an area where people normally don’t go.
  • HARD TO FIND: a place that is difficult to locate or find – when we say something is ‘hard to find’ in English, it means that is challenging or difficult to find it.

© 2023, Learn English with Bob the Canadian. All rights reserved.

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