Thursday, September 21, 2023

ESL WORKSHEET - Nature; Describing Places


Sep. 15, 2023

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: English For Teenagers
Tags: Environment and Nature; Describing Places; Paraphrasing and Explaining; Expressions with -ing; Adjectives; 13-15 Years Old; Vocabulary and Grammar
Publication date: 09/15/2023

This lesson teaches the difference between –ed and –ing adjectives in the context of interesting places and feelings. It starts and ends with the students relating the new language to their experience. As well as practicing the target language in a variety of tasks and contexts, the students also practice reading for gist and listening for gist and detail. (by I. Rybak)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audios (Am/Br English).


Mark: I’m so excited. It’s an amazing place. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.
Mother: Have you packed some warm clothes? It’ll be cold there.
Mark: It’s summer!
Mother: Yes, but you’ll be very high. At 11,994 feet.
Mark: Good point.
Mother: Remember to clean your shoes after the walk. Salt can ruin them.
Mark: You are worried about my shoes!?
Katia: It was so relaxing. They were so beautiful. They weren’t frightened of us, and they came very close. And there were thousands and thousands of them! The colors were amazing, too. Their yellow bodies in the blue water. And getting there was really exciting. We traveled by speedboat!
Pierre: It was so cold! I was shocked.
Sasha: How cold was it?
Pierre: Only 5 degrees Fahrenheit. And I was worried the ice was too thin.
Sasha: But cars drive over it.
Pierre: Exactly! Can you believe it! I was terrified when I saw the little bus on the ice. Our driver was very amused. The ice forms were great, though. Some pieces looked like animals or even people. Fascinating! It’s a shame they disappear when spring comes.

Speaker 1: (bored, yawning) Please, not again.
Speaker 2: (worried) It’s too difficult.
Speaker 3: (shocked) Two hundred dollars?!
Speaker 4: (surprised) Is this for me?
Speaker 5: (amazed/fascinated) Wow!
Speaker 6: (excited) Yes, yes! Let’s do it.

Adapted from: Accessed on September 21, 2023. © 2008–2023 All rights reserved.

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