Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Describing Food in ENGLISH

Two English Teachers Try Food
From Around the World

YouTube Channel
Aug. 8, 2023

In this English lesson (part I), you’ll learn words and phrases to describe food. We all love food, so it is one of the most common topics when learning a language. In this English class, two teachers (Bob and Brent) try food from around the world, and comment in a natural way about what they are eating.
You’ll learn to describe spicy food, crunchy food, unique food, sweet food, salty food, and many more types of food.
You might even recognize some of the things Bob and Brent tried as all of this food is from around the world. Nothing that they tried is from Canada or the United States.
Hope you enjoy this English lesson about food. 😉

Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!

And here is the part II of the lesson, from Brent’s YouTube Channel “American English With This Guy. 😎

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