Monday, February 8, 2021


10 tips on how to turn your Essay
into a Masterpiece

January 21, 2021

Writing a great essay is a feat which many, including students, academics, and even individuals not only admire but also desire to do. On the longing hearts of many is how to develop writing from noob to master, but the way to go about this seems completely difficult, sometimes unknown and a few times becomes a puzzle that seems so tough to crack!
However, there is a sure way out of this dilemma, as there are amazing useful tips, which when rightly applied, can help transform your essay into a masterpiece and these will be explained in this article. Your age-long dream of producing brilliant composition to the admiration of your colleagues, lecturers or readers, in papers, exams, tests and assignments and any other medium where you drop them is now just right here.

Therefore, read on as you discover the tools that will upgrade your articles from the usual into the fabulous, transform writing from what you dread into what you get commended for and make you a maestro!

1. Work on the topic

Without doubt, an essay without a topic is like a car without a wheel, and that means there is nothing to direct it – the whole idea of your writing is pointless if there is no topic, to begin with.
Yet, a topic for an article goes beyond what is seen on the surface. Sometimes, you are provided with a topic which you are required to write on, but at other times, the choice is left in your hands. Whichever way, a topic opens you up to the depth of ideas, style, thoughts and inspiration which you need for your composition.
Your topic determines if your essay would be a general overview or detailed analysis on a particular subject. This will then guide you into the kind of choices you will make for further parts of the essay.

2. A good outline

Having a draft of what you propose to write grants you the needed guide into the immense resources available on your topic of interest and will propel your research, study and brainstorming processes the right way. A wonderful way to have a great essay is to organize your writing into an introduction, a body and a conclusion, then based on this outline, draft a subheading of your points, ideas and statistics which you wish to fill in the subcategories of your essay.

3. Get relevant resources

A good essay is one which offers the best details and information to get the readers convinced or simply understand a topic. The secret to doing this is by getting appropriate resources, updated information and reliable materials to convey your point.
The content of your article is usually a reflection of your research and personal knowledge-base which is what will make your readers either agree or disapprove what you have written.

4. Understand your ideas and points

Since a good essay passes points and facts across a readership, then, you need to first understand what you are trying to communicate to your audience, and this makes your writing fluid. Many writers often drift away from the major idea which they are trying to communicate, and in the process, the essay loses its essence.
To write efficiently, it is better to strike out disputable facts or controversial statements in your essay; many often tend to get off their balance by doing this which is not in any way desirable for your writing.

5. Learn from essays written by people

You can’t hide from the fact that there is a great deal of wonderful essays and writers out there. It will be a great disadvantage if the only articles you see or read are those which you write by yourself. You have to reach a whole out to the many beautiful pieces of writing from well-celebrated writers and learn the art from the masters.
There is an easy flow of learning when you read great essays, and you unconsciously pick skills which you would be able to apply to make your next write-up better!

6. Select the right words and apply them well

To say what makes a great piece is simply to get the right resources and stitch them together is bound to be wrong!
There are rules to writing and word use based on their context and the specific field of writing. To use musical terms wrongly in an article targeted at the musically-learned would be a strong discredit to the writer, therefore, it is essential that words, punctuations and syntax well agree to achieve a colorful paper.
While you are choosing the right words for your essay, it’s also essential to detect and remove plagiarism. Plagiarism can ruin all of your efforts and lead to several negative consequences on your academic career. You can identify plagiarism with the help of an advanced plagiarism checker tool. This online utility displays the proportion of text that is plagiarized and unique. If the plagiarism is detected and the percentage is above the permitted level, it’s crucial to remove it. You should scan your essay with a plagiarism scan test before submitting it.

7. Make your essay captivating

The first point of attack in an essay is the introduction, if your introduction is outstanding, the readers are sure to be charmed into reading on!
The use of facts, figures, statistics and even events which have been documented help you put life and flavor to your writing and makes your essay extraordinary.
It doesn’t end at the introduction, the body and even especially the conclusion of the essay should be pitched attractively to the readers.

8. Showcase your knowledge on the topic

Essays give you a chance to “show-off” how well you have a grasp of the topic which you work on, therefore, you should utilize this gesture properly. Writing a bland article is a huge minus to the quality of your work, therefore adorn your work with the best points, ideas and arguments, and you will produce an extraordinary work!

9. Tone and style

There are different styles and with style comes different tones of writing. As an example, a blunder will be to use an argumentative tone for an essay which is expository, therefore, you should make a double-check to ensure that you are on track with the tone and style of your writing. It will be a wise decision reviewing your essay before turning it in for submission.
And finally your composition is already getting into being the masterpiece you desire, but you can’t be certain until you add the tenth and final tip.

10. Put a great finish

A poor conclusion can crumble the entirety of your composition, and this won’t be in your best interest. Therefore, your essay should be concluded in a remarkable way to solidify the excellence you have put up from the start.
Also, read out aloud the entire essay as this points your attention to details and makes you realize tiny bits of mistakes which you might have made in the essay.


Essay writing is an art, and just like any art, it has to be given time, dedication, commitment and precise nurturing to groom it from being crude to being exceptionally excellent. If you ask any great essayist how he/she got to the point of producing flawless essays, you are sure to get a response that strongly resonates practice, with an intense zeal and commitment to get better, stronger and finer, and that is a power tip and a top secret to make your essay a masterpiece!

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