Friday, February 12, 2021




Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years!
It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other.
His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun!
The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
By the 1900s, bakeries started selling pre-sliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
(Lisa K. Pinter)

1. Infere-se do texto que o sanduíche foi inventado em qual país?

2. Na frase "
The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry...", que significado pode ser atribuído a Sandwich?

3. Que tipo de facilidade o sanduíche proporcionava aos jogadores de baralho?

4. Como e a partir de quando se deu a popularização do sanduíche na América?

5. A que se refere a palavra craze, na última frase do terceiro parágrafo?

6. Qual a tradução da frase "by the 1900s"?

7. Quais seriam os opostos dos termos abaixo?
a) normal
b) easy
c) often
d) random

8. Como as definições abaixo poderiam ser completadas?

a) A ___________ is a restaurant that serves light meals and coffee.
b) A place where bread and cakes are baked or a shop that sells bread and cakes is called ____________.

GABARITO (arraste o mouse sobre os números e as letras abaixo para ler as respostas)

1. Na Inglaterra.

2. Uma região (condado).

3. Eles podiam comer com uma mão enquanto jogavam com a outra.

4. Através do livro de receitas de Elizabeth Leslie, a partir de 1827.

5. Mania (moda, loucura, febre).

6. Por volta da (aproximadamente na) década de 1900.

a) abnormal
b) difficult, hard
c) rarely, seldom
d) regular (planned, organized)

a) coffee shop
b) bakery

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