Monday, August 14, 2023

ESL WORKSHEET - People, Plans and Arrangements


Jun. 15, 2021

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: General English
Tags: People and Places; Plans and Arrangements; Education, Teaching, and Learning; Travel and Leisure; Present Tenses; Going To + Infinitive; Vocabulary and Grammar
Publication date: 06/15/2021

Students consider what people do on a gap year and why before listening to a dialogue about gap year plans. They then compare and contrast the forms for talking about future arrangements, plans or intentions, and predictions. The language is activated in a speaking activity where students plan and describe a gap year. There is also an optional extension activity showing how gap year experiences could be described on a resume (by Stephanie Hirschman).

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audios (Am/Br English).


Neil: Sophie, is that you? I haven’t seen you for such a long time!
Sophie: Neil! Wow - you’ve really grown up!
Neil: I was hoping you’d be here. I hear you’re planning a gap year. I want to hear all about it!
Sophie: Ok, well, you know I’m studying biology at the moment. But I love animals! I think I might want to change majors, to veterinary medicine. So, I’m going to take a year off of college to find out more about that kind of work.
Neil: What are you going to do?
Sophie: Well, I’m going to volunteer for an animal charity. I’m starting there next week. I’m also going to learn how to ride a horse. My first lesson is next Friday.
Neil: I guess that will be helpful if you’re a vet.
Sophie: Of course! And I’ve applied for an internship at a vet’s office. If I get the internship, I’m going to go with the vets on their farm visits. I can’t wait!
Neil: That’s great! I hope you get it.
Sophie: Thanks. Now what about you? I guess you’ve finished school now.
Neil: That’s right. And, actually, I’m planning a gap year too!
Sophie: Really? Tell me more!
Neil: My best friend and I are going to South America! But it’s expensive. So, we’re working at the local supermarket. We’re going to save all our money until we have enough for the trip.
Sophie: I’ve always wanted to go to South America. Do you speak Spanish?
Neil: Ah, that’s the second part of our plan. We’re going to learn Spanish. The class starts in a few weeks.
Sophie: Have you bought your plane tickets yet?
Neil: Not yet, but the plan is that we’re leaving sometime in the new year.
Sophie: I think you’ll have a great time! And what are you going to do after your trip?
Neil: I’m going to study politics at college.
Sophie: I’m so excited for you! Now, I can see some food on the table, so it looks like we’re going to eat. I’m really hungry.

Adapted from: Accessed on August 14, 2023. © 2008–2023 All rights reserved.

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