Tuesday, August 15, 2023

ENGLISH Texts for Beginners


Por Redação Wizard
21 de julho de 2023

Dominar um novo idioma é um caminho emocionante e repleto de desafios, especialmente quando se trata do Inglês, uma língua global e amplamente utilizada em diferentes contextos ao redor do mundo. Para quem está dando os primeiros passos nessa jornada de aprendizado, a leitura de textos em Inglês se mostra como uma poderosa ferramenta, capaz de abrir portas para o entendimento mais profundo da língua e de proporcionar uma vivência enriquecedora.

Por que ler textos em Inglês?
Ao mergulhar em textos em Inglês, mesmo como iniciantes, abrem-se inúmeras possibilidades de aprimoramento do vocabulário, gramática e compreensão contextual. Mais do que um simples exercício linguístico, a leitura é uma ponte que conecta os aprendizes com a cultura e a diversidade linguística dos países falantes do idioma. Nesse contexto, cada palavra, expressão ou frase lida representa uma valiosa oportunidade para desvendar os mistérios e encantos da Língua Inglesa.
Então, neste artigo, exploraremos textos em Inglês para iniciantes na prática do idioma. Se você está começando sua jornada no universo da Língua Inglesa, prepare-se para embarcar em uma viagem de descobertas e aprendizado através de textos cuidadosamente selecionados. Este é o primeiro passo em direção a uma fluência que irá abrir portas e ampliar horizontes em todas as esferas da sua vida.

Birthday’s origin
In ancient Rome, there was the habit of celebrating the birthday of a person. There weren’t parties like we know today, but cakes were prepared and offers were made. Then, the habits of wishing happy birthday, giving gifts and lighting candles became popular as a way to protect the birthday person from devils and ensure good things to the next year in the person’s life. The celebrations only became popular like we know today after fourteen centuries, in a collective festival performed in Germany

Department Stores
The first department store was created in Paris, in 1850. It was conceived as a big place with a lot of options in products and brands. They wouldn’t sell just a specific product: there you could find clothes, shoes, jewels, make up and many others things. That concept remained until today. So, if you want to buy many things with good prices, you can choose from one of the thousands in the world.
Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, most of this stores have a big sale called Black Friday. On this day, it is possible to buy products with big discounts and you also have the option to buy things online. In 2016, more than 154 million people spent USD 3,3 billion dollars shopping only on the internet.

Walk of fame

Even if you have never visited Los Angeles, you have probably heard about the most famous sidewalk in the world: the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Every year, around 10 million tourists visit this street to take pictures with their idol’s star.
Since 1960, the Hollywood Boulevard Avenue attracts visitors to see star-plaques with the names of celebrities: actors, singers, movie directors, stage performers or anyone who has contributed to make Hollywood known worldwide. Each pink star is made of a marble called terrazzo, a bronze shield with the honoree’s name and an icon of the celebrity job, like a camera, television or a microphone, for example.

The Internet: A Remarkable Invention
The internet is one of the most amazing inventions in modern history. It all began in the 1960s when scientists created a way for computers to talk to each other. This network of connected computers grew over time, and in the 1990s, the internet became accessible to the public. Today, it plays a crucial role in our lives, allowing us to connect with people from all over the world, find information, and enjoy a world of entertainment. Thanks to this incredible invention, the way we communicate and learn has been transformed, making the world a smaller and more connected place.

The Grand Canyons: Nature’s Masterpiece

The Grand Canyons are breathtaking wonders created by nature over millions of years. They are enormous canyons formed by the Colorado River cutting through the rocks. The canyons showcase stunning layers of red, orange, and brown rocks, revealing the Earth’s history. Visiting the Grand Canyons is a mesmerizing experience, as you can witness the sheer beauty and vastness of these natural wonders. It’s a must-see destination for anyone who loves nature and wants to be awe-inspired by the magnificence of our planet.

The Universal Language
Music is a wonderful form of expression that people all around the world enjoy. It comes in many different styles, like pop, rock, classical, and jazz. When we listen to music, it can make us feel happy, calm, or excited. Some people play musical instruments like the guitar, piano, or drums to create their own music. Others love to sing and share their voices with the world. Music brings people together and helps us connect with our emotions. No matter where we come from or what language we speak, music is a universal language that unites us all in harmony.

The History of Wedding Celebrations

Weddings have a long and fascinating history that goes back centuries. In ancient times, weddings were often seen as a way to unite families, tribes, or kingdoms. Different cultures had unique traditions, like exchanging rings as a symbol of love and commitment. Over time, wedding ceremonies evolved to include religious or cultural customs. Today, weddings are happy occasions where couples come together to declare their love and start a new chapter in their lives. It’s a celebration filled with happiness, love, and the gathering of friends and family to share in the couple’s special day.

Saint Patrick’s Day: A Fun Irish Celebration
Saint Patrick’s Day is a joyful holiday celebrated on March 17th every year. It originated in Ireland to honor Saint Patrick, the patron saint of the country. People wear green clothes and accessories on this day as a symbol of Irish pride. Many cities around the world also hold parades and festivities to join in the fun. One popular tradition is to search for a four-leaf clover, believed to bring good luck. During Saint Patrick’s Day, you might hear Irish music and see Irish dancing, which adds to the festive spirit. It’s a day to celebrate all things Irish and enjoy the company of friends and family.

Adaptado de: https://www.wizard.com.br/idiomas/textos-em-ingles-para-iniciantes/. Acesso em: 15 ago. 2023. Copyright © 2023 Wizard by Pearson. Todos os direitos reservados.

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