Tuesday, August 1, 2023

ENGLISH - Materiais Digitais CMSP

Aula 02 - 3º bimestre

Nos slides da aula 2 de LÍNGUA INGLESA, 3º bimestre, 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental, “Can you create a healthy diet plan? (part 2)”, há uma atividade de listening sobre alimentação saudável, baseada no site MY PLATE e no vídeo “FIT KIDS Episode 66: My Plate Food Groups”, do canal do YouTube KSPS PBS Public TV. Confira o vídeo abaixo e a sua transcrição e CLIQUE AQUI para baixar o PPT dessa aula.


FIT KIDS! Sometimes it is hard to know what to eat to be healthy. “My Plate” is a simple guide to help us out. Notice the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains and dairy. Our plate at home should look similar to the “My Plate Guide”. Notice how half the plate is full of fruits and vegetables. A smaller portion contains protein like lean meat or fish. There is also grains like whole grain bread or pasta and dairy like milk, yoghurt, or cheese. Follow the “My Plate Guide”. FIT KIDS!

Source: KSPS Public TV. FIT KIDS Episode 66: My Plate Food Groups. Youtube, November 27, 2012. Available at: https://youtu.be/Ebm04EO91_U. Accessed on August 1, 2023.

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