Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Women in History



Introduce your students to Silvia Alice Earle, famous for her underwater travels, while practicing Simple Past and Superlatives.

Level: Elementary
Age: Primary
Objective: Practice Simple Past and Superlatives through the life of a famous explorer, Sylvia Alice Earle


On this worksheet the students will learn about a female explorer, Sylvia Alice Earle. Encourage them to find out more about her online. To help them find useful information, give them a list of questions that they should find the answers to.

Warm up

1 Write the following verbs on the board: live, invent, experience, discover, design and travel.
2 Ask volunteers to come to the board and write the past tenses of the verbs. Then ask the class to say aloud sentences about themselves using the verbs in Simple Past, for example I discovered a new book last week.

Activity 1
1 Students read and complete the text with the past tenses.
2 To correct the activity ask a volunteer to read the completed text out loud.

Activity 2
1 Students read and match the sentence halves.
2 Correct the activity by asking for volunteers to read the sentences out loud.

Project ideas

Divide the class into small groups. Give each group the name of a famous explorer. Students find information about their explorers. Make a wall display with all the information.
Divide the class into small groups. Tell each group to think of a part of the world they would like to explore. They should prepare a plan to organize their exploration. Ask students to include a map and the things they need to take. Give students time to present the travel plan.

Adapted from: https://www.onestopenglish.com/lessons/clil-history-sylvia-alice-earle/551001.article. Accessed on March 7, 2023. OneStopEnglish is a teacher resource site, part of Macmillan Education, one of the world’s leading publishers of English language teaching materials. © Macmillan Education Limited 2020.

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