Wednesday, March 15, 2023

ESL WORKSHEET - Food, Drink and Office Life


Mar. 15, 2023

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Food and Drink; Office Life; Society and Change; Cooking and Eating; Health and Well-Being; Routines and Activities; Developing an Argument; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old; Situation Based
Publication date: 03/15/2023

The topic of this lesson is healthy snacks. Students begin by sharing experiences of being “hangry” (hungry and angry) and then define some useful vocabulary before listening to a podcast about three healthy snacks. This is followed by a pair work reading, speaking and listening exercise about two more healthy snack recipes which offer a chance to practice question formation. The lesson concludes with some discussion questions and also includes an optional extension reading activity about another popular healthy snack (by Stephanie Hirschman).

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Presenter: Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Bossing It, the podcast that helps you do your very best, whether you’re working or studying. Today we’re talking about being hangry - now that’s a feeling that can really bring you down when you have important things to do. My guest is diet expert Dr. Jo O’Brien. Jo, let’s start by thinking about how we can deal with this difficult feeling.
Guest: Hi! Being hangry is something that happens to everyone sometimes, and it’s easy to deal with - you just need a snack. The problem is that some snacks can actually make you feel worse!
Presenter: Before you tell us about what makes a good snack, let me ask you this: have our snack habits changed recently?
Guest: Absolutely, yes. With more people working from home than ever before, snacking has increased. A quarter of people snack more than once a day and nearly forty percent have completely replaced their meals with snacks. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that - in fact, most people need to eat something every three hours - as long as they’re eating the right things.
Presenter: So, let’s talk about that. I guess everyone knows that snacks which are high in sugar aren’t good for you.
Guest: You’re right - sugar, and carbohydrates in general, give you energy very quickly and then you feel tired again after a short time. The best snacks give you energy slowly and these contain protein, fiber and healthy fats.
Presenter: OK, so no chocolate bars, I get that. But I don’t have many ideas about what I could try instead.
Guest: There’s plenty of things. Let me give you three suggestions. The first is a cup of natural Greek yogurt. This is high in protein, and also has calcium for strong bones, as well as probiotics for a healthy stomach. If you want to have this with a few berries, that’s fine.
Presenter: Well, that’s easy to find in most supermarkets and also takes just a minute to prepare. What’s your next suggestion?
Guest: Have a hard-boiled egg! This is another high-protein snack that’s easy to make, but don’t use too much salt. If you’re really hungry, add a small slice of cheese to this snack.
Presenter: I like hard-boiled eggs, but they can be a bit smelly. Maybe that’s one to have at home rather than at the office.
Guest: Good point. My third snack is simply peanut butter served with some celery sticks or apple slices. There’s a lot of protein and vitamins in this one and it takes seconds to prepare. Just make sure that you buy peanut butter with no added sugar.
Presenter: OK. Most people can keep a small jar of peanut butter on their desks and carry an apple in their bag. These snacks are so easy!
Guest: One last thing. When you’re already feeling hangry, you’re probably not going to make a good snack decision. So, it’s best to plan and prepare your snacks at the beginning of the day. Wash the fruit, cut things up, decide how much you’re going to eat, and generally have everything ready to pick up and snack as soon as you feel hangry. And, of course, if you’re interested, there are lots more snack ideas in my new book, Snack Attack!
Presenter: That is really good advice. I’m going to try that. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas with us and see our website for a link to where you can buy Jo’s new book.

Adapted from: Accessed on March 15, 2023. © 2008–2023 All rights reserved.

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