Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Imperatives (Encouraging People)


YouTube Channel
Dec. 19, 2023

In this English lesson, Bob will help us learn some imperative phrases that we can use around the Holiday season (Christmas time). He encourages us to be kind, be nice, be thoughtful, be considerate, be helpful, and to be good to ourselves! 😉

Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English we have learned!

IMPERATIVE: a verb form used to give commands, suggestions, or directions with no noun/subject.

  • BE KIND! / BE NICE! = For some people, the period of festive greetings can also be a sad time, because they remember their loved ones who have passed away, and others don’t have people to spend time with.
  • BE HELPFUL! = If you see someone that needs help, please help them. When you’re helpful, it just makes people happier.
  • BE CONSIDERATE! = When you’re considerate, it means you try to think about what someone else’s life is like when you’re talking to them or when you’re doing things with them. It means you think about another person’s life when you are talking to them.
  • BE GOOD TO YOURSELF! = It’s important to take care of yourself (go for a walk, spend time with friends, take a break from work every once in a while).
  • BE THOUGHTFUL! = It’s very similar to the imperative “be considerate”. It means that think before you say things, try to think about other people before you do/say things. Sometimes it’s easy to be critical of other people, it’s easy to say negative things (about them), it’s easy to judge people for what they do, but try to be a little bit more thoughtful.

© 2024, Learn English with Bob the Canadian. All rights reserved.

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