Monday, January 29, 2024

ESL WORKSHEET - Dress codes in the office


Dec. 11, 2023

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: Business English
Tags: Fashion; Business People; Problems at Work; Clothes; Workplace and Equipment; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old; Vocabulary Lesson
Publication date: 12/11/2023

* This lesson has been updated.

This lesson looks at dress codes, the reasons for them and the problems that can come with them. Students will read an article about dress codes and listen to three people discussing problems in the office. Exercises focus on related vocabulary, listening and reading skills and offer students an opportunity to discuss questions on the topic (by Joe Wilson).

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audios (Am/Br English).


Speaker 1: I work in sales, and I wear a hijab every day because of my religion. The company includes this in the dress code, but I’ve noticed that my manager doesn’t send me out to visit clients as often as she sends out the other people on the team. I’m not sure what to do about it.
Speaker 2: When I go to work, I like to wear a three-piece suit as it makes me feel professional, smart and more capable of doing my job well. However, the company has a business casual dress code and most of the other people in the office just wear a shirt with no jacket and some of them even wear jeans. I feel overdressed and sometimes, I even get comments making fun of what I wear. But I don’t want to change what I wear just to stop them from doing that, but I also want to fit in.
Speaker 3: My manager had a word with me the other day because I like to wear sandals to the office, and he said I should wear heels or dress shoes. The trouble is, my feet always hurt in those type of shoes and I find them really uncomfortable. I sometimes even take my shoes off when I’m at my desk. I don’t want to cause a problem, but I also don’t want to be in pain all day.

Adapted from: Accessed on January 29, 2024. © 2008–2024 All rights reserved.

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