Mar. 3, 2025
Level: Upper-intermediate (B2-C1)
Type of language: General English
Tags: Behavior, Feelings and Emotions; Describing Feelings and Behavior; People and Places; Paraphrasing and Explaining; Expressions with -ing; Vocabulary and Grammar; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 03/03/2025
In this lesson, we talk about optimism and pessimism. First, students analyze a few pictures depicting different scenarios. Then they learn some vocabulary from the listening task: a podcast on why some people are optimists and why others are pessimists. After a grammar task exploring the gerund, they will answer a fun quiz to find out where they fall on optimism, pessimism or realism, and do two extension activities that call back on previous tasks, while giving them the opportunity to put themselves in the shoes of optimists and pessimists. (by Edward Alden)
- CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
- CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
- CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
- CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
- CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in international English.
Aisha: Hey, what’s up, you guys! Welcome back to the Smilecast, the podcast where we share with you the psychology behind being happy! If you are listening in and feeling a bit blue, hang on in there! We are here to show you that it’s not all doom and gloom!
Neeti: That’s right everyone, and today we’re going to be talking about why some people are pessimists, and other people are optimists! Aisha, would you say you’re an optimist?
Aisha: I would definitely consider myself an optimist. People say I’ve got a sunny personality. What about you, Neeti?
Neeti: See, it’s ironic that I say this since I’m a host of this podcast (chuckles) but I would say I’m neither a pessimist nor an optimist. I’m a realist.
Aisha: Realist or cynical?
Neeti: Both (laughs). I think it’s important to present the facts to our listeners. Anyways, Aisha and I researched why some people are optimists, while others are pessimists.
Aisha: Right, Neeti, why don’t you go first?
Neeti: Right so, what you’re probably wondering is if it’s all in the mindset. Would someone who is always sad be able to suddenly become happy by changing the way they think?
Aisha: Of course! The mind is very powerful!
Neeti: Well, that’s the thing - it’s not just that which affects if you are an optimist or a pessimist! A study on twins showed that 25% of optimism may be inherited!
Aisha: What?! Surely not! My dad is such a pessimist, so how am I an optimist?
Neeti: It’s true! But that still means that 75% of it is down to the world around you, and your experiences. So even if you are born an optimist, it may be only a matter of time before your environment turns you into a pessimist!
Aisha: But what about your environment may turn you into a pessimist?
Neeti: See, it can be things like your home life, grades, and even your finances. But research has shown that age also has an effect!
Aisha: Well, I was definitely more defeatist as a teenager.
Neeti: Funnily enough, the results show the opposite - as a teen, you are more optimistic about your future, and as you grow older, you become more of a pessimist! You end up spending more time worrying about things.
Aisha: So no matter what, I will become a pessimist when I grow old?
Neeti: That’s where mindset comes in! While not the explanation behind it all, it still has an effect on your mood and your perspective in life, even if bad things happen to you! It’s even believed that optimism is something that can be learned!
Aisha: Well, yes! Some people just learn to make the best of the situation!
Neeti: Now, Aisha, would you be able to tell us why optimism is so important? You said you’ve done some research on that.
Aisha: Gladly, Neeti. Well, being an optimist has shown to have many benefits to physical health, as well as mental.
Neeti: And why’s that?
Aisha: It has been shown that optimists are more likely to practice healthy habits! This might be because optimism helps people become healthier because they feel more positive about these habits. But another theory is that these behaviors themselves may help a pessimist become an optimist, as they can help prevent things such as depression!
Neeti: And this is where the environmental influences come in.
Aisha: Exactly! But as you said, mindset can also have a strong influence. In fact, I came across some tips on how you can become more optimistic!
Neeti: Oh wow! Could you share some of them with us?
Aisha: Of course! Well, one tip is to train your mind. There are many ways you can do that. One of them is to look out for the good things in your life and count your blessings. You should also keep the hope that good things will happen in your life, even if it seems like bad things keep happening around you. And it is also important to not blame yourself when they do happen. Activities such as meditation and journaling can help us understand that and focus on our mindset to change how we see life around us.
Neeti: Well, maybe I will be able to join my yoga class to change my cynical point of view!
Aisha: It certainly can’t hurt to try!
Neeti: (laughs) Thank you so much, Aisha! And for all of you listening to the Smilecast, I hope we have helped you smile today, and thank you so much for tuning in! Join us next week for a brand-new episode!
Adapted from: https://www.linguahouse.com/esl-lesson-plans/general-english/optimism-and-pessimism. Accessed on March 10, 2025. LinguaHouse.com © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.
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