Monday, March 10, 2025

ESL WORKSHEET - Character and feelings


Mar. 5, 2025

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of language: General English
Tags: Behavior, Feelings and Emotions; Describing People; People and Places; Vocabulary Lesson; 10-12 Years Old; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 03/05/2025

In this updated lesson plan, students review and extend a large volume of vocabulary in this lexical area and distinguish between simple and continuous forms to describe permanent states (character/personality) or temporary situations (feelings). The lesson offers practice in listening and speaking and includes a guessing activity to activate the target language, as well as an optional extension relating to negative prefixes. (by Stephanie Hirschman)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Dialogue 1
Greg: What’s your boss like?
Katia: Wow, where do I begin? She’s just sent me an e-mail asking me to arrive early tomorrow to make up the ten minutes of work I missed by being late after lunch.
Greg: You’re joking! How mean – it was only ten minutes. She should try to be a bit more relaxed.
Katia: I know. And what’s more, she was quite late herself the other day, but she didn’t put in any extra time. It’s like she thinks she’s so special that the rules don’t apply to her.
Greg: That's so arrogant.
Katia: It really is. But, to be fair, she’s not totally unsympathetic to other people – she sent me a card when my dad was in hospital.
Greg: That’s a bit out of character, her being so thoughtful. I wonder why?
Dialogue 2
Jenny: It was fun meeting your nephew the other day. What a wonderful young man!
Dave: Aw, thanks. I’m glad you liked him. I was surprised he agreed to have lunch with us. He’s not usually very outgoing.
Jenny: Well, he struck me as quite shy, but sensitive people often are. It’s like they don’t want to show themselves fully to other people so they can avoid having their feelings hurt.
Dave: Yes, I think that’s it. He’s very reserved in company, but that’s because there’s a lot going on in his head.
Jenny: He came across as very thoughtful.
Dave: Yeah. He’s a good guy to know – very generous with his time and very loyal. Do you know he’s been helping our old neighbor with her shopping since she broke her leg a few weeks ago?
Jenny: What a star!
Dialogue 3
Maggie: So, what’s wrong with you? You look really tense.
Rob: I’m worried about the car. The garage called to say they found a few problems with the engine.
Maggie: How much is it going to cost?
Rob: It depends on what they find. But they mentioned it could be as much as five hundred dollars. Maybe even more.
Maggie: You’re always so pessimistic – try being a bit more cheerful. It might cost less than that.
Rob: But what if it doesn’t? What if we have to sell the car? How will I get to work then?
Maggie: You really are miserable, aren’t you? Just stop it. I’ve had a bad day too and I’m not feeling very tolerant of all this drama.
Rob: Sorry.

Adapted from: Accessed on March 5, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.

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