Wednesday, November 29, 2023

ESL WORKSHEET - Future; Gadgets and Inventions


Oct. 18, 2023

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Science and Technology; Gadgets and Inventions; Future; Articles; Reported Speech; Article Based
Publication date: 10/18/2023

This lesson will primarily look at predictions from the last 100 years and whether those predictions have come true or not. The students will listen to a podcast about predictions that came true and then read an article about some that were horribly wrong. Throughout the lesson, learners will be introduced to new and interesting vocabulary and will be given opportunities to share their opinions with their classmates (by Peter Clarkin).

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audios (Am/Br English).


Reader: Predicting the future is a tricky business and some may say that it is practically impossible to guess what is going to happen, but do you know what? Some people have the ability either through intelligence, creativity or just pure luck to be pretty exact with their predictions.
Take for example Nikola Tesla who correctly predicted in 1909 that a wireless communication system would exist. He confidently stated, “It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world”.
The acclaimed American author Ray Bradbury in his classic dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 correctly wrote about a future where people would all be walking about with wireless earbuds. He mentioned people having “little seashells” in their ears keeping themselves entertained with the “sound of music and talk”.
In 1987, movie critic Roger Ebert correctly forecast the dawning of streaming services like Netflix, when in an interview he detailed that we would have “a push-button dialing system to order the movie you want at the time you want it”.
Finally, in 1999 Microsoft founder Bill Gates quite worryingly managed to correctly point out the future of online targeted advertising and how it would affect us all “They will know your purchasing trends and will display advertisements that are tailored toward your preferences”.

Adapted from: Accessed on November 29, 2023. © 2008–2023 All rights reserved.

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