Friday, January 31, 2025

ESL WORKSHEET - Visiting Thailand


Jan 29, 2025

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Incredible Stories; Visiting Places; Travel and Leisure; People and Places; Vocabulary Lesson; Article Based; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 01/29/2025

This lesson will focus on Thailand and the things that make the country special. Learners will be given the opportunity to learn all about Thailand, firstly with an audio section looking at the concept of island hopping within the country. The article that follows looks at a number of beautiful locations on the mainland. Within the lesson, students will learn new vocabulary and then personalize it by talking about Thailand and its similarities or differences with their own countries. The lesson also includes a homework task which looks at two extra texts about wildlife in Thailand. (by Peter Clarkin)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/watch the video in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/watch the video in British English.


I have often been described as restless so when it comes to booking a vacation, I want to keep myself busy at all times and that is where the idea of island hopping came from. I had heard great things about Thailand and quickly decided that it was the place for me.
When I got to Thailand my first stop was Phuket. Phuket is the largest Island in the country and is famous for its Big Buddha - a huge figure that sits on top of Nakkerd Hill. Nakkerd Hill also doubles as one of the best places to see the sunset on the island.
After Phuket I wanted to check out something unique, so I set out for Koh Panyee. Koh Panyee is a famous floating village with 1600 people living there in stilted huts and shacks. Quite amazingly there is also a floating soccer pitch built by the children of the island out of bits of old wood.
The next island on my list was Phi Phi Island, which is instantly recognizable as being the location for the movie The Beach. Partly because of this movie, it has become famous for its breathtaking scenery. Two of the most gorgeous locations on the islands are Maya Bay and Pi Leh Lagoon, and in terms of beauty, these two places were second to none.

Adapted from: Accessed on January 31, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.

ESL WORKSHEET - Birthdays and parties


Jan 27, 2025

Level: Elementary (A1-A2)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Celebrations and Commemorations; Celebrations and Special Events; People and Places; Vocabulary Lesson; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 01/27/2025

In this updated lesson, students talk about birthdays and parties. They first engage with the topic and review birthday vocabulary. The students then discuss parties in general and what is involved in planning a birthday party before listening to two people planning their party. After completing a comprehension task, they focus on the functional language in the conversation used to make and respond to suggestions. After practicing the language, the students finish with a productive task in which they plan and describe a joint birthday party. There is a party game at the end to review and practice the vocabulary. (by Victoria Aitken)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


James: I’m so excited we are going to have a party together. It’s going to be so much fun.
Freda: I know, me too, but we have lots to organize.
James: Right! What kind of party should we have?
Freda: How about a costume party?
James: Hmmm, I’m not sure. It sounds fun but we don’t have much time, and we would need to find a fancy costume.
Freda: Yeah, you’re right. I know, why don’t we have a yard party? The weather is perfect. And we can keep it simple? Just music, food, and drink?
James: That’s a great idea. But whose yard can we use? It needs to be quite big.
Freda: My parents have a big yard; we can have it there?
James: Yes, that’s perfect. When are we going to have it? Should we have it on our birthday?
Freda: Yes, because the 14th is a Saturday, and that’s the best day for a party. What time?
James: What about from 2 pm onwards?
Freda: That sounds good. Should we decorate the yard?
James: Let’s just put up some balloons.
Freda: OK, and what about the music?
James: I’ll make a playlist, and my dad has some good speakers I can bring over.
Freda: Great. What about the food? Why don’t we have a barbecue?
James: Yes, that’s a good idea.
Freda: We just need to send out the invites.
James: Oh yes, I forgot about that. Let’s send an E-invite. It’s much easier, it doesn’t cost anything and it’s better for the environment.
Freda: OK. I will design one, and you can tell me if you like it.
James: Thanks, you are much better with creative things and technology.

Adapted from: Accessed on January 31, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.



Jan 28, 2025

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Homes and Buildings; In the Home; Vocabulary Lesson; Speaking; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 01/28/2025

This lesson will focus on housework and the important vocabulary that is needed to talk about the topic more fluently. Students will develop their vocabulary in relation to chores, and throughout the lesson, students will be given different opportunities to practice the new language through the personalization of the expressions. (by Peter Clarkin)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


At home
Everybody loves a clean house, don’t they? Shiny tables, sparkling windows and a perfect living room are all things we love to come home to, but the hard work that it takes to get to that ideal stage isn’t always to everyone’s liking. So today we are going to look at the chores that people hate to do the most.
The most hated household task is unsurprisingly, cleaning the toilet. The thought of putting our heads anywhere near the toilet bowl seems to be enough to make people want to throw up.
Up next is doing the dishes, or doing the washing up as it is often known in the UK. The main reasons people hate this chore are the thought that it is incredibly boring, and the fact that it can make the skin on our hands feel hard and dry.
Another type of housework that people really dislike is ironing. Once again, it is seen as being just as boring as doing the dishes, but it also comes with the added danger that you can burn yourself on the very hot iron if you are not careful.
The final chore on the list of things we hate to do at home is vacuuming the floor, there are loads of us who can’t stand this one. It seems the loud noise of most vacuum cleaners seems to get on our nerves but vacuuming for a long time can often leave us with a sore back which is something we really want to avoid.

Adapted from: Accessed on January 31, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.

ENGLISH Lessons SP in 2025

O que muda na rede estadual
de São Paulo em 2025?

Mike Coulter
28 jan. 2025

O professor Mike Coulter, em seu ótimo canal do YouTube, preparou o vídeo abaixo descrevendo detalhadamente as mudanças nas aulas de Língua Inglesa na rede estadual paulista em 2025, em relação ao uso dos materiais digitais concomitantemente ao desenvolvimento das trilhas individuais de aprendizagem pelos estudantes com a plataforma EF-SPeak, que, no corrente ano letivo, também será utilizada em algumas aulas do 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Coulter explica como era a estrutura das aulas de Inglês em 2024 e como vai ficar neste ano. Ele também reforça a importância de os docentes aprimorarem seus conhecimentos linguísticos com a plataforma da Education First.
De modo geral, o professor aborda no vídeo alguns pontos apresentados nos prints abaixo.

Características da área de Linguagens, com destaque para o uso da
plataforma EF-SPeak nas aulas de Língua Inglesa

Estrutura das aulas de Inglês: como era em 2024 e como será em 2025

Para explorar o escopo-sequência de Língua Inglesa do primeiro semestre de 2025, clique AQUI. E neste post há mais informações detalhadas sobre o escopo-sequência, as aulas de Inglês e a plataforma EF-SPeak.
Clique AQUI para conferir o post sobre os materiais digitais de Língua Inglesa - e para fazer o download desses recursos didáticos.

Confira, então, o vídeo.

Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Take away (phrasal verb)

O que significa este PHRASAL VERB

By Mairo Vergara
Sep. 28, 2018

Neste texto, vamos abordar o phrasal verb take away. Ele é um dos mais frequentes no Inglês e pode ter dez significados diferentes. São muitos, mas seguindo o que passaremos aqui, você vai tornar-se capaz de usar take away com extrema naturalidade e facilidade.
De forma resumida, os sentidos de take away são: levar para longe; eliminar uma qualidade de algo; ser afetado por uma experiência; ganhar um prêmio/competição; proibir algo; capturar; levar alguém para algum lugar; cativar; diminuir o valor; pedir comida para levar. Há também o substantivo takeaway, que pode significar duas coisas: “comida para viagem” ou “lição, moral, ponto importante”.
A seguir veremos exemplos de take away em cada um desses sentidos. É só estudar as frases, de modo a entendê-las bem, para você ganhar o domínio desse phrasal verb na Língua Inglesa.

1. Vejamos take away como “levar para longe”. O sentido aqui na verdade é de retirar algo da presença (ou controle) de alguém. Essa definição se aplica a muitas situações; por exemplo, até a frase “levar o lixo para fora” pode ser take the trash away:
  • Take her away from me! (Levem-na para longe de mim!)
  • He’s taking my car away! (Ele está levando meu carro!)
  • Someone took my books away. (Alguém levou meus livros.)
  • Can you take away the trash? (Você pode levar para fora o lixo?)

2. Take away é usado em frases do tipo “você acabou com a graça” (you took away the fun), ou seja, para dizer que se eliminou uma qualidade qualquer de algo:
  • You took away the fun telling me I was mistaken. (Você acabou com a graça, dizendo-me que eu estava enganado.)
  • Telling them this would take away all the excitement of drinking. (Dizer isto para eles iria tirar todo entusiasmo de beber.)
  • Some critics might argue Fifa is taking away the joy of scoring a goal. (Alguns críticos podem argumentar que a Fifa está acabando com a diversão de marcar um gol.)
  • Learning and understanding this has never taken away the reality of Christ Jesus for me. (Aprender e entender isto nunca retirou a realidade de Jesus Cristo de mim.)

3. Take away é usado para dizer que se guardou algo de uma determinada experiência; uma marca física ou um aprendizado, por exemplo:
  • I did not take away a good impression. (Eu não saí com uma boa impressão.)
  • He took away a black eye from that fight. (Ele saiu com um olho roxo daquela luta.)
  • I took many lessons (away) from that flight. (Eu levei muitas lições daquela luta.)
  • That they took a lesson away from that experience. (Que eles levaram uma lição daquela experiência.)

4. Take away como “ganhar” um prêmio ou competição:
  • That film took away five Oscars. (Aquele filme ganhou cinco Oscars.)
  • Justin Bieber took away several prizes. (Justin Bieber ganhou vários prêmios.)
  • It was a tense series of games, but our team took it away in the end. (Foi uma tensa série de jogos, mas nosso time ganhou no final.)

5. Take away pode ser “proibir” o acesso a certo objeto/recurso; muito usado no contexto de pais e filhos:
  • If you don’t listen, I’ll take away your favorite toy! (Se você não escutar, eu vou tirar seu brinquedo favorito!)
  • Did your mother take away your video game console? (A sua mãe tirou seu console de videogame?)
  • Charlie, I swear to God I will take away the TV for a month. (Charlie, eu juro por Deus que eu vou tirar a TV por um mês.)
  • My parents took my video games away for getting an F on my last test. (Meus pais tiraram meu videogame por receber um F no meu último teste.)

6. Veja take away como “capturar” uma pessoa, seja essa ação vinda de criminosos ou de autoridades:
  • The kidnappers took our daughter away. (Os sequestradores capturaram nossa filha.)
  • The police took away the suspects to the courthouse. (A polícia capturou os suspeitos - e os levou - para o tribunal.) [Na frase original, o sentido é bem claro de que a polícia “levou” os suspeitos para o tribunal, embora não haja uma palavra explicitando isso.]
  • The police were threatening to take me away, so I left the country. (A polícia estava ameaçando capturar-me, então eu saí do país.)
  • The government has been taking away anyone who challenges its ironfisted rule. (O governo tem capturado qualquer um que desafie sua regra de punho-de-ferro.)

7. Take away pode ser “levar” alguém para algum lugar. Frequentemente num contexto romântico, para dizer que uma pessoa quer estar com outra:
  • Come and take me away. (Venha e leve-me.)
  • I want you to take me away. (Eu quero que você me leve.)
  • I wish you would take me away with you. (Eu queria que você me levasse com você.)
  • Take me away with you, Roberto! Show me the adventure I’ve always longed for! (Leve-me com você, Roberto! Mostre-me a aventura que eu sempre desejei!)

8. Take away como “cativar”, “conquistar”:
  • Nice poem. Took me away! (Bom poema. Cativou-me!)
  • The last line took me away, Namrata. (Aquela última linha cativou-me, Namrata.)
  • The final scene of the movie took me away. (A cena final do filme cativou-me.)
  • Any music with good percussion easily takes me away. (Qualquer música com boa percussão facilmente me cativa.)

9. Take away como “diminuir o valor” de algo:
  • Drab curtains took away from the otherwise lovely room. (Cortinas monótonas diminuíam o valor da sala, de outro modo, adorável.)
  • The fact that she is quiet does not take away from her one bit. (O fato de que ela é quieta não diminui o valor dela nem um pouco.)
  • That shouldn’t take away from the achievement of the French. (Isso não deveria diminuir o valor da conquista dos franceses.)
  • Don’t let his petty comments take away from your amazing victory tonight. (Não deixe os comentários mesquinhos dele diminuírem o valor de sua maravilhosa vitória esta noite.)

10. Take away como “levar” uma comida para viagem:
  • He ordered a lamb madras to take away. (Ele pediu um carneiro madras, para levar.)
  • Let’s take away some Chinese food for lunch. (Vamos levar um pouco de comida Chinesa, para o almoço.)
  • We took away hamburgers and French fries. (Nós levamos hambúrgueres e batata frita.)
  • I really wanted a milkshake and ordered one to take away. (Eu realmente queria milkshake e pedi um para levar.)

11. Agora vejamos o substantivo takeaway. No sentido de “comida para viagem”, primeiro:
  • We decided to get a takeaway. (Nós decidimos pegar uma comida para viagem.)
  • We were too tired to cook so we ordered takeaway. (Nós estávamos cansados demais para cozinhar, então nós pedimos comida para viagem.)
  • They were walking home with a pizza from a nearby takeaway. (Eles estavam andando para casa com uma pizza de um estabelecimento de comida para viagem próximo.)
  • He and his friend then went to a takeaway that sold kebabs. (Ele e seus amigos então foram para um estabelecimento de comida para viagem, que vendia kebabs.)

12. Agora, takeaway como uma “lição” ou “ponto importante” que se retira de, por exemplo, uma pesquisa ou discussão:
  • What’s the key takeaway from this survey? (Qual é a lição chave desta pesquisa?)
  • This was my biggest takeaway from the meeting. (Esta foi a minha maior lição da reunião.)
  • I also want to emphasize the three key takeaways from today’s call. (Eu também quero enfatizar as três lições chave da chamada de hoje.)
  • I’ll write more detailed notes later, but here are some quick takeaways. (Eu vou escrever notas mais detalhadas depois, mas aqui estão alguns rápidos pontos importantes.)

Clique AQUI para baixar o PDF com as frases acima.
Clique AQUI para baixar a gravação com todas as frases em Inglês.

Adaptado de: Acesso em: 30 jan. 2025. © Reis Vergara Idiomas 2025. Todos os direitos reservados.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wouldn’t be caught dead

Como se diz em INGLÊS

By Ivy do Carmo Figueiredo
Jan. 10, 2025

Quando alguém quer enfatizar que nunca, jamais, em hipótese alguma faria algo, é comum ouvir dizer que não faria aquilo “nem morto”. Você sabe dizer essa expressão em Inglês?
O correspondente a “nem morto” na Língua Inglesa é wouldn’t be caught dead (ou wouldn’t be seen dead), que literalmente quer dizer que a pessoa “não seria pega (ou vista) morta” fazendo aquilo.
É importante ressaltar que, após essa expressão, o correto é usar um verbo terminado em -ing ou a preposição in. Veja:
  • I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a jacket like that! (Eu não usaria uma jaqueta dessas nem morto!)
  • I wouldn’t be caught dead in a jacket like that! (Eu não usaria uma jaqueta dessas nem morto!)
Veja mais frases com wouldn’t be caught/seen dead.
  • I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing shoes like that. They are so old fashioned. (Eu não usaria sapatos assim nem morto. Eles são tão antiquados.)
  • He is a very ethical man with high morals; he wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything illegal. (Ele é um homem muito ético com moral elevada; ele não faria nada ilegal nem morto.)
  • He wouldn’t be caught dead going to a place like that. (Ele não iria a um lugar desses nem morto.)
  • She feels he’s a very creepy person. She wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with him. (Ela acha que ele é uma pessoa muito assustadora. Ela não sairia com ele nem morta.)
  • He values his job* a lot and wouldn’t be caught dead going against the company’s directive. (Ele valoriza muito o seu emprego e não iria contra a diretiva da empresa nem morto.)
  • She was very conscious of her social image and wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything that went against it. (Ela era muito consciente da sua imagem social e não faria nada que fosse contra ela, nem morta.)
  • Ruth said she wouldn’t be caught dead in a dress like the one Emily had worn to the party. (Ruth disse que não usaria nem morta um vestido como aquele que a Emily havia usado na festa.)
  • He is a staunch atheist. He wouldn’t be seen dead in a place of worship. (Ele é ateu convicto. Ele não iria a um local de adoração nem morto.)
  • I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing a dress like that - it’s like something my grandmother would wear! (Eu não usaria um vestido daqueles nem morta - parece algo que a minha avó usaria!)
  • I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing that shirt. You can burn it for all I care. (Eu não usaria essa camisa nem morto. Por mim, você pode queimá-la.)
  • She had always said she wouldn’t be seen dead working for that company, but I guess everyone has their price. (Ela sempre disse que não trabalharia para aquela empresa nem morta, mas acho que todo mundo tem seu preço.)

* Leia o post “Qual a diferença entre JOB e WORK?

Agora que você já aprendeu a dizer “nem morto” em Inglês, aproveite também para ler sobre a expressão similar over my dead body. See you next time!

Clique AQUI para baixar o PDF com as frases acima.
Clique AQUI para baixar a gravação com todas as frases em Inglês.

Adaptado de: Acesso em: 29 jan. 2025. © Reis Vergara Idiomas 2025. Todos os direitos reservados.

Over my dead body

O que significa esta expressão

By Ivy do Carmo Figueiredo
May 15, 2019

As expressões idiomáticas são próprias de cada idioma. Entretanto, algumas expressões da Língua Inglesa podem ter equivalente direto em Português (ou seja, podem ser traduzidas literalmente), o que facilita bastante a nossa vida. Portanto, neste texto veremos um exemplo disso com a expressão over my dead body, que significa “só por cima do meu cadáver”.
Você já deve ter ouvido essa frase, que significa que, de jeito nenhum, a pessoa deixará aquilo acontecer. É um jeito mais enfático de dizer “nunca” ou “de modo algum”.

  • “Joe says he’s going to buy a motorbike.” “Over my dead body!” (Joe diz que ele irá comprar uma moto.” “Só por cima do meu cadáver!”)
  • You want to take my kids away from me? Over my dead body! (Você quer tirar meus filhos de mim? Só por cima do meu cadáver!)
  • “Let’s invite her to dinner.” “Over my dead body!” (“Vamos convidá-la para jantar.” “Só por cima do meu cadáver!”)
  • “Half the money should be mine.” “Over my dead body!” (“Metade do dinheiro deveria ser meu.” “Só por cima do meu cadáver!”)
  • Over my dead body will you drive home after you’ve been drinking! (Só por cima do meu cadáver que você irá dirigir para casa depois de ter andado bebendo!)
  • “I heard Sarah wants to drop out of school to be a painter.” “Yeah, over my dead body!” (“Eu ouvi que a Sarah quer abandonar a escola para ser pintora.” “Aham, só por cima do meu cadáver!”)
  • “Alice says she’ll join the circus no matter what anybody says.” “My daughter? Over my dead body!” (“Alice diz que ela irá entrar pro circo independente do que qualquer um diga.” “Minha filha? Só por cima do meu cadáver!”)
  • “I think I’ll rent out our spare bedroom.” “Over my dead body!” “That can be arranged.” (“Eu acho que vou alugar o nosso quarto de hóspedes.” “Só por cima do meu cadáver!” “Isso pode ser providenciado.”)
  • Over my dead body will you drop out of high school. (Só por cima do meu cadáver que você irá abandonar a escola.)
  • “Mum, can I get a tattoo?” “Over my dead body!” (“Mãe, eu posso fazer uma tatuagem?” “Só por cima do meu cadáver!”)
  • You’ll marry him over my dead body! (Você se casará com ele só por cima do meu cadáver!)
  • You’re moving in together? Over my dead body. (Vocês irão morar juntos? Só por cima do meu cadáver.)
  • There is no way I will let you do that, not over my dead body. (Nunca que eu vou te deixar fazer isso, nem por cima do meu cadáver.)

Clique AQUI para baixar o PDF com as frases acima.
Clique AQUI para baixar a gravação com todas as frases em Inglês.

Adaptado de: Acesso em: 29 jan. 2025. © Reis Vergara Idiomas 2025. Todos os direitos reservados.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

ESL WORKSHEET - Travel and transport


Jan. 28, 2025

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Transport; Travel and Leisure; Road and Transport; Challenges; Vocabulary Lesson; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 01/28/2025

This updated lesson will focus on travel and transport, and the important vocabulary that is needed to talk about these topics more fluently. Students will develop their vocabulary in relation to different types of transport, and throughout the lesson they will be given different opportunities to practice the new language through personalization of the expressions. (by Peter Clarkin)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Sarah: I had the worst journey of my life last week, it was a total nightmare to tell you the truth. It all started at half past eight in the morning as I was getting ready to set off on my twenty-minute drive to work.
As I drove along the highway everything seemed to be going along nicely but suddenly my car started to go slower and slower. Before I knew it, I had broken down at the side of the road, and my first thought was to check the gas, and I was surprised to see that I had completely run out. I was scared that I was going to be late for work so I started running to the nearest train station. I knew there would be a train at 8:45, and I was sure I could catch it.
However, as I arrived at the station, I saw the train leave, luckily for me another one arrived right behind it, so I jumped on. I wasn’t used to taking the train, so it took me a few minutes to realize I had made a big mistake. I’d got on the wrong train. I waited for the train to stop and then I got off as quickly as I could. Luckily, there was a bus stop right there and a bus was getting ready to leave. I checked it was going the right way and then when I was sure I stepped onboard.
It was then I realized that this was one of those old-fashioned buses, and it didn’t take credit cards. I didn’t have the right change, and the bus driver wasn’t going to let me on until he saw my sad face. He had a warm heart, so he let me on. Unfortunately, I was so stressed at this point that I wasn’t thinking properly, and I managed to get off at the wrong stop, I couldn’t believe it.
I was desperate at this stage so I got myself a cab and felt that at least nothing bad could happen this time, how wrong I was. Straightaway I noticed some roadworks and as a result we were quickly stuck in traffic. Luckily the driver told me that he knew a shortcut, but his special short cut actually meant that he took me the long way round.
Finally, I did get myself to the office and you know what? I was just in time for lunch.

Adapted from: Accessed on January 28, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.

ESL WORKSHEET - Health problems


Jan. 27, 2025

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Medicine, Biology and Health; Health and Well-being; Health and Illness; Vocabulary Lesson; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 01/27/2025

This updated lesson looks at different health problems and the possible ways to deal with them. Students will learn vocabulary connected to health issues and look at modal verbs which allow them to offer advice. They will also have the opportunity to discuss questions and play a game to practice their new skills. There is an optional crossword at the end of the lesson to practice the vocabulary. (by Joe Wilson)

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.

Adapted from: Accessed on January 28, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 27, 2025

ENGLISH - EF-SPeak Platform 2025


Neste LINK, encontra-se um guia complementar de acesso à plataforma de aprendizagem EF-SPeak para as aulas de Língua Inglesa, que, neste ano letivo de 2025, começará a ser utilizada a partir do 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental até a 3ª série do Ensino Médio. No guia, há esclarecimentos sobre o acesso de novos estudantes, o teste de nivelamento, procedimentos a serem realizados antes e durante as aulas de Inglês, como acompanhar a realização das atividades e a evolução dos alunos, além de links para consultar tutoriais e FAQ sobre o uso da plataforma. É preciso lembrar que o trabalho com a EF-SPeak ocorrerá junto com a utilização dos materiais digitais. Mais orientações sobre a organização das aulas com os materiais digitais e as trilhas de aprendizagem na plataforma, de acordo com o escopo-sequência de Língua Inglesa, podem ser encontradas nesta postagem. E AQUI temos um post sobre o acesso aos materiais digitais de Inglês do 1º bimestre de 2025.
Clicando sobre a imagem abaixo, você pode baixar o guia complementar de acesso a todas as plataformas educacionais propostas pela SEDUC no corrente ano letivo, nos diferentes componentes curriculares. Bom trabalho!

Saturday, January 25, 2025



Jan. 15, 2025

Level: Elementary (A1-A2)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Telling the Time; Speaking; Situation Based; Vocabulary Lesson; Time; 10-12 Years Old; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 01/15/2025

In this refreshed lesson, students learn how to tell the time and practice basic numbers.

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


1. Sixteen
2. Thirty
3. Seventy
4. Fourteen
5. Fifty

Adapted from: Accessed on January 24, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 23, 2025



Jan. 3, 2025

Level: Mixed Levels (Pre-Intermediate, A2-B1; Intermediate, B1-B2)
Type of English: General English
Tags: Celebrations and Special Events; Society and Change; Sports and Fitness; People and Places; The Media; Hobby; Vocabulary Lesson; Article Based; Useful Vocabulary; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old
Publication date: 01/03/2025

In this fully updated lesson, students will learn vocabulary in the context of the World Cup. There are various activities designed to introduce students to soccer-related words. There is a World Cup quiz, listening and reading tasks, and an exercise about soccer-related collocations. To finish, there is a crossword to review the different vocabulary students encountered in the lesson. (by Joey Vaughan-Birch)

CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English. (L2)
CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English. (L3)
CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English. (L2)
CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English. (L3)
CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English. (L2)
CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English. (L3)
CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English. (L2)
CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English. (L3)
CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


Speaker 1: Many people think that strikers are the most important players, but I disagree. My job is to stop the ball from going into the goal, so I need to be quick and stay focused on the game. I wear gloves to help me catch the ball, and sometimes I have to jump or dive to make a save, which can be fun but also really challenging. My friends call me 'the cat' because I'm so agile, and being tall definitely helps. I also shout instructions to my teammates to help us work together in defense. It feels amazing when the fans sing my name.
Speaker 2: I shout a lot and let the players know how I feel, but I need them to know that they have to do what I say - although they do not always listen to me! I use the whistle if I want the players to stop. I need to stay calm and think quickly, even if we are losing the game. It really annoys me when the other team’s players waste time or if they pretend they are hurt. I can be quite tough. The most important thing is that everyone has fun. Maybe this season I will try to be less strict, but I’m not sure!
Speaker 3: I am not allowed to support either team because I have to be fair. If I make a decision, I normally blow my whistle, so the players know that I am the boss. I enjoy being part of the action, instead of up in the stands - I have the best view of the game. When I was younger, I used to feel very stressed, because the fans are not normally very nice to me, but now I know how to deal with it. I really love soccer, I’m just not very good at scoring goals! There is a lot of pressure because everyone is always looking at me, but I just try to do my job.
Speaker 4: I love to watch my team play. I wear our famous kit and chant songs with my friends. My team is not very good, but I love them. I went to my first match when I was six years old with my dad, and now I take my own children. I can’t play anymore because I hurt my ankle, but I used to score lots of goals. The stadium is a sacred place for me, and I watch every match. It is also fun to travel to other cities and meet new people. When it is the World Cup, I support my country. I feel so excited. It is a chance to interact with people from different countries and have a big party.

Adapted from: Accessed on January 23, 2025. © 2008–2025. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Como usar o MUST em INGLÊS?

O modal verb must em Inglês é essencial para expressar obrigação, dedução lógica e até mesmo proibições. Ele é direto, versátil e muito usado no dia a dia.
Neste artigo, você vai entender os principais usos do must, aprender como aplicá-lo em frases e conhecer exemplos práticos para melhorar seu domínio da Língua Inglesa.

03 de janeiro de 2025

O must em Inglês é usado para expressar obrigação, necessidade, deduções lógicas e proibições. Ele é muito comum para indicar algo que deve ser feito (ex.: You must finish your homework – “Você deve terminar sua lição”), para deduzir algo com base em evidências (He must be tired – “Ele deve estar cansado”) ou para proibir (You must not enter this room – “Você não deve entrar nesta sala”). É um modal direto e versátil, essencial para a comunicação clara em Língua Inglesa.
Agora vamos entender melhor cada uso do must.

Obrigação ou necessidade
O must é bastante usado em frases que expressam obrigação ou necessidade. Veja alguns exemplos:
  • You must go to school everyday. (Você deve ir à escola todos os dias.)
  • I must answer all the questions. (Devo responder a todas as perguntas.)
  • We must obey the laws. (Devemos obedecer às leis.)
  • Those plants must be watered regularly. (Aquelas plantas devem ser regadas regularmente.)
  • She must tell the truth! (Ela deve dizer a verdade!)

Fazendo deduções
Outra maneira de utilizar o must em Inglês é quando desejamos fazer referência a algo que pode vir a se tornar real, mas que ainda está naquela zona de incertezas. Em outras palavras, trata-se de uma dedução. Veja os exemplos:
  • They must have gotten lost. (Eles devem ter se perdido.)
  • My aunt must be at home. (Minha tia deve estar em casa.)
  • She must have fallen asleep. (Ela deve ter adormecido.)
  • You must be tired after this long trip. (Você deve estar cansado após esta longa viagem.)
  • There must be some mistake. (Deve haver algum engano.)

Sugerindo ou recomendando
O must na Língua Inglesa também pode ser utilizado para dar uma ênfase ao recomendar ou sugerir algo. Trata-se de um pedido ou recomendação para outra pessoa ou um grupo de pessoas. Vamos aos exemplos:
  • You must see RuPaul’s Drag Race, it’s really great! (Você tem que ver RuPaul’s Drag Race, é muito bom!)
  • He must introduce you to his mom. (Ele precisa apresentar você à mãe dele.)
  • You must go to Rock in Rio next year. (Você tem que ir ao Rock in Rio no próximo ano.)
  • She must come and visit us again some time. (Ela precisa vir nos visitar novamente algum dia.)
  • Your dad must see The Twins exhibition. (Seu pai deve ver a exposição de Os Gêmeos.)

Must: a forma negativa
Todos os usos do must em Inglês têm formas negativas, portanto, a recomendação, a ênfase, a sugestão ou a obrigação também podem transmitir a ideia de proibição ou opinião enfática, reforçando o que está sendo dito. Veja os exemplos:
  • He must not forget her mom’s birthday. (Ele não deve esquecer o aniversário de sua mãe.)
  • We mustn’t be late for this flight. (Não devemos nos atrasar para este voo.)
  • They must not smoke here. (Eles não devem fumar aqui.)
  • I must not leave my bicycle here. (Não devo deixar minha bicicleta aqui.)

Must: a forma interrogativa
Quando fizer uma pergunta e precisar do must na Língua Inglesa, basta colocá-lo antes do sujeito. Aqui estão alguns exemplos:
  • Must he be more patient? (Ele deve ser mais paciente?)
  • Must I speak only English? (Eu devo falar apenas em Inglês?)
  • Must she keep repeating the music? (Ela deve continuar repetindo a música?)
  • Must I leave this package here? (Devo deixar este pacote aqui?)

Must no “passado”
Quando chega o momento de utilizar o must em Inglês no passado, saiba que ele não pode ser modificado. Isso significa que o must deve ser usado apenas no presente. No passado, o must cede lugar ao have to (ou seja, had to).
  • Laura had to wear a dress for her last presentation. (Laura teve que pôr um vestido para sua última apresentação.)
  • We had to carry our own luggage. (A gente teve que carregar nossa própria bagagem.)
  • I had to get up early last weekend. (Eu tive que acordar cedo no último fim de semana.)

Quando must se diferencia do have to
No caso das frases afirmativas, o verbo must e a expressão have to / has to podem ser utilizados na frase com o mesmo sentido. É o caso de:
  • She has to wake up early. = She must wake up early.
  • We have to speak to the director tomorrow. = We must speak to the director tomorrow.
O mesmo não ocorre nas frases negativas, ou seja, must e have to não podem ser usados com o mesmo sentido. Aqui está um exemplo:
  • Daniel must not go there. ≠ Daniel doesn’t have to go there.
Na primeira frase, Daniel não deve fazer o que está sendo dito (uma proibição). No caso, trata-se de não poder ir a um determinado lugar.
Já na segunda frase, Daniel não precisa ir, mas se for, não será necessariamente um problema, pois não há proibição.
Enquanto must not expressa uma proibição, don’t have to/doesn’t have to indica a ausência de necessidade. Guarde esta informação para se expressar corretamente ao utilizar as duas formas.

Para continuar aprendendo ainda mais, baixe os e-books Dicas Básicas de Inglês – O guia definitivo e o Dicas Básicas de Inglês, ambos da Wizard by Pearson.

Adaptado de: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025. Copyright © 2025 Wizard by Pearson. Todos os direitos reservados.

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