Tuesday, November 24, 2020


The Lighter Side of TEFL, volume 2

The Lighter Side of TEFL, Volume 2, is a teacher’s resource book of fun activities for students of English as a Foreign Language.

This third edition of The Lighter Side of TEFL contains activities mainly taken from English Teaching Forum from 2004 to the present. A few puzzles that were published prior to 2004 are included. The puzzles are grouped into categories by type. The categories also progress from letter- and word-based activities to more complex exercises involving reading and writing skills.
The purpose of The Lighter Side of TEFL has always been to make learning English fun. These puzzles help students develop vocabulary and practice thinking critically. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing may be used to solve the puzzles, but the goal of each activity is to inspire students to see that communicating in English can be an enjoyable, and even lighthearted, experience.
Each of the puzzles in this book would be an excellent warm-up activity at the beginning of class, or a great wrap-up activity at the end. The puzzles are short and do not require any additional materials. These activities are best completed in pairs or small groups so that different perspectives can be utilized—and enjoyment can be shared! After completing the puzzles, discuss the answers as a class using the solutions found in the back of the book.
The Lighter Side of TEFL is a resource for teachers, who may reproduce individual pages for use in their classrooms. The puzzles in this edition are intended to be used as supplemental material—warm-up games, group work, wrap-up activities—not as a textbook for students to complete during a course.

CLICK HERE for the download. You can also CLICK HERE in order to access the material.

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