Monday, May 8, 2023

ESL WORKSHEET - Literature and Information Technology


May 8, 2023

Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
Type of English: English for Teenagers
Tags: Literature and Books; Information Technology (IT); Society and Change; Socializing; The Media; Art; Paraphrasing and Explaining; 16-18 Years Old; 18+ Years Old; 13-15 Years Old; Video Talk
Publication date: 05/08/2023

In this lesson, students will learn about Instapoetry, a form of poetry published on the popular social media platform, Instagram. After exploring their own ideas on the topic, and key vocabulary, they will be presented with an article, introducing two different Instapoets. They will also be able to listen to an interview on Instapoetry and how artists decide what to post on the Internet. Finally, they’ll have their own opportunity to conduct a mock interview, and even write their own Instapoem! (Lesson plan by Edward Alden.)

Available at: Accessed on May 8, 2023.

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/watch the video.


(Question on screen) How do you decide what goes on social media and what doesn’t?
Nikita: I think the decision really is: only 10% of my work makes it onto social media and it’s because as an artist, everything you write can’t go on social media. It’s just so much easier to have notebooks and notebooks and notebooks that you think no one will read, because you’re the most honest self-there. The things that go on social media tend to be the things that I feel may connect the most of the time to a group of people. A lot of them tend to be about world tragedies, or something which has happened which really moved me. And that’s how I decide.
(Question on screen) As a social media celebrity, how do you protect yourself on social media?
Nikita: Well, I take lots of breaks. I recognize that the social media world is not always the most honest version of the world. And because of that I take a lot of breaks, and like, reconnect with things like nature, my family, my friends. I spend a lot of time away from it, and I think that’s the only way we can really protect ourselves on social media: taking time away from it.
(Question on screen) How was your Emirates LitFest experience?
Nikita: Coming to the Emirates Literature Festival has been joyous, and fulfilling, and just generally just wonderful. It’s just been a wonderful experience, yeah.

Adapted from: Accessed on May 8, 2023. © 2008–2023 All rights reserved.

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