Thursday, May 25, 2023

ESL WORKSHEET - Animals and Nature


May 25, 2023

Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Type of English: English for Teenagers
Tags: Animals; Nature; Parts of the Body; Forming Questions; 10-12 Years Old; 13-15 Years Old; 16-18 Years Old; Video Talk; Vocabulary and Grammar
Publication date: 05/25/2023

In this lesson, the students learn and practice vocabulary used to name and describe animal body parts. The new vocabulary is used in descriptions of animal movement, feeding habits, and behavior. Additionally, the lesson analyzes and encourages students to practice various types of subject questions (by I. Rybak).

  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in American English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the student’s worksheet in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download the teacher’s lesson plan in British English.
  • CLICK HERE to download/listen to the audio in British English.


1. Reindeer have hooves with two toes.
2. Dogs have paws with claws at the end.
3. Birds that swim have feet with a web between their toes, they are called webbed feet.
4. Monkeys have hands which they can use to do a lot of things. They are very similar to human hands.
5. This is a bear’s paw with sharp and strong claws at the end.
6. Many animals have tails at the end of their bodies. Tails can look very different. This is a horse’s tail.
7. Fish use fins to swim in water. Some of the fins are on the top part of their body. This is a shark’s fin.
8. Fish also have tails at the end of their bodies. This is a shark’s tail.
9. Seals use flippers to swim, and sometimes to walk on land too. A flipper has bones inside and is much harder and stronger than a fin.
10. This Scottish cow has huge horns.
11. All birds have beaks, but toucans’ beaks are really big and also very colorful.
12. The albatross have the largest wings of all birds. They can measure up to 12 feet.


Narrator: And now it’s time for some more “amazing animals”! Number 8,999: the amazing eastern grey kangaroo! Or macropus giganteus...
Kangaroo: Yeah, you got that right!
Narrator: Um, actually it means “gigantic large foot”.
Kangaroo: Oi mate!
Narrator: In fact, they have two gigantic feet.
Kangaroo: Two... I thought I had three!
Narrator: No, that’s your tail!
Kangaroo: Ohhh! Narrator: They’re found down under! On the eastern side of Australia.
Kangaroo: Too right mate, we’re everywhere! Mobs of us!
Narrator: They’re extremely adaptable and enjoy nibbling on grass, which is why they love this golf course...
Kangaroo: Don’t you mean this “hop-stacle” course?
Narrator: Some say there are too many of them!
Kangaroo: Keep your “hop-pinion” to yourself, mate!
Narrator: The male kangaroos can be taller than most adult humans.
Kangaroo: Yeah. I’m bigger than you, let’s fight!
Narrator: In fact, when the girls...
Kangaroo: Sheilas!
Narrator: Sorry, sheilas are around, they’re ready to fight for their attention.
Female kangaroo: Oh, crikey Debbie, check him out.
Narrator: The males use their strong...
Kangaroo: Feet?
Narrator: No, tails to balance and their big...
Kangaroo: Tails?
Narrator: No, feet!
Kangaroo 2: Aww, I think I’m just gonna sit this one out!
Narrator: Meanwhile the females are very busy looking After their babies or “joeys”. Sometimes they can be looking after three all at once! And because they are marsupials, they have a convenient pouch to carry their young.
Joey: Mommy, there’s lots of crumbs in here!
Mom kangaroo: Oh Joey, stop being such a pouch potato!
Narrator: There might be millions of these bouncing beasts, but the eastern grey kangaroo is a...
Kangaroo: True blue Aussie!

Adapted from: Accessed on May 25, 2023. © 2008–2023 All rights reserved.

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