Friday, September 2, 2022

ELT and Cultural Identity


July 22, 2022

How important is cultural identity in the process of language learning for students? This is a question that has been debated by educators for many years. Some experts believe that it is essential for students to connect with their cultural identity in order to learn a new language effectively. Others argue that culture should not be a factor in language learning, and that the focus should be on grammar and vocabulary.
In this post, we will explore both sides of this argument and offer our own insights. We hope that this will help you make an informed decision about how to best approach language learning for your students!

Motivation in language learning

Anyone who has ever tried to learn a new language knows that it can be a difficult and frustrating process. However, the rewards of being able to communicate in another language are well worth the effort.
There are many different ways to stay motivated during language learning, and it is important to find what works best for you. For some people, setting specific goals such as being able to read a certain number of pages in a book or having a conversation with a native speaker can help to keep them on track. Others may find it helpful to join a study group or sign up for a class.

Cultural identity can promote language learning

When people think about language learning, they often think about developing a new skill or expanding their cultural horizons. However, language learning can also be an excellent way to explore and celebrate one's own cultural identity. For many people, language is inextricably linked to culture. Learning a new language can open up new ways of understanding and experiencing one's culture. It can also provide a deeper connection to the people and places that make up that culture.
In today's globalized society, it is highly important to be able to communicate with people from different cultures. There are many cultural identity examples online that you could read about to get informed. Staying updated is crucial in today' dynamic environment. In fact, language learning can help to bridge the cultural divide and promote understanding and respect for other cultures. When used in this way, cultural identity can be a powerful tool for promoting language learning across borders and cultures.

Cultural identity can also inhibit language learning

A person's cultural identity is often tied to their native language. As a result, learning a new language can be challenging for someone who is deeply attached to their culture. This is because they may feel that they are losing a part of their identity if they start to use a different language.
In addition, they may feel like they are not really mastering the new language if they are not using it in a cultural context. For example, someone from a collectivist culture may feel uncomfortable using individualistic pronouns like "I" and "me" in a language that is typically used in more individualistic societies.
Despite these challenges, it is possible for people to learn a new language while still maintaining their cultural identity. By finding ways to connect the new language to their own culture, they can create a sense of ownership over the language and prevent it from feeling like something that is alien or unfamiliar.

Cultural identity and language preference

For many people, their cultural identity is closely linked to their native language. This can make it difficult when they move to a new country or area where the dominant language is different from their own. While some people are able to quickly learn the new language and adopt the local culture, others may struggle to let go of their previous identity.
It's important to remember that everyone experiences these changes in different ways and there is no right or wrong way to respond. If you're struggling to adjust to a new cultural identity, it's OK to reach out for help.

How to learn a new language

There are many different approaches to learning a new language, but the most important thing is to find an approach that works for you. Some people prefer to start with the basics, learning grammar and vocabulary before moving on to conversational skills. Others prefer to jump right in and start using the new language as soon as possible. There is no right or wrong approach, but there are a few things that all successful language learners have in common.
First, they are consistent in their efforts. They make time to study every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Second, they expose themselves to as much of the new language as possible. This means listening to native speakers, watching films and TV shows in the new language, and reading books and articles.
Finally, they practice speaking as often as possible. This can be done by starting conversations with native speakers or joining a conversation group. If you can find an approach that works for you and stick with it, you’ll be well on your way to becoming fluent in your new language.


Cultural identity is an important part of language learning. It can be used to promote understanding and respect for other cultures or it can inhibit language learning. However, it is possible to learn a new language while still maintaining your cultural identity. By finding ways to connect the new language to your own culture, you can create a sense of ownership over the language and prevent it from feeling like something that is alien or unfamiliar.

Adapted from: Accessed on September 2, 2022. © Angel Castaño 2008-2022. Salamanca / Poole-free videos to learn real English online. All rights reserved.

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