Monday, March 15, 2021



Sonali: Ooh, that looks nice. What is it?
Hannah: Just a salad.
Sonali: Lovely! Can I ask you something, Hannah?
Hannah: Of course.
Sonali: You’re Customer Relations Manager now, but you worked in sales in your first job, didn’t you?
Hannah: Yes. I was a Sales Assistant, and then a Sales Representative.
Sonali: And when sales people go out to visit new customers, they make a presentation, right?
Hannah: That’s right. And I still make presentations, sometimes. Why do you ask?
Sonali: How do you do it? I mean, don’t you feel nervous?
Hannah: Well, I was nervous when I started, in my first job. But once I took the plunge I realized it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I like doing it now.
Sonali: Hmm. I don’t know how to present.
Hannah: But you know about the products.
Sonali: Well, yes. But I want to know about presenting. I think it might be useful in the future.
Hannah: Part of your personal development?
Sonali: I suppose so.
Hannah: Yeah, that makes sense.
Sonali: Actually, at my last appraisal, I asked for more responsibilities. I said I’d like to go out and visit customers, but Jackie thinks I’m not ready yet. But she did say I should try to improve my skills.
Hannah: I see.
Sonali: Do you think I could learn?
Hannah: Of course. Look, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you prepare a short presentation about one of the products you know well, and then you could present it to me. And I could give you some feedback.
Sonali: Really? But you might think I’m terrible!
Hannah: Well, we all have to start somewhere. And I’m sure you’re not as bad as you think. I’ve heard you talking to customers on the phone and you’re always professional.
Sonali: Okay, it’s a deal!
Hannah: I’ll send you some links to websites with tips for making presentations. And if you have any questions, you can ask me while you’re preparing.
Sonali: That sounds perfect. I’m really grateful for this, Hannah.
Hannah: I’m happy to help. Let’s look at our diaries and set a date for the presentation.
Sonali: Great! Oh, no. Now my burger is cold!
  • CLICK HERE for downloading the MP3 audio.
  • CLICK HERE for downloading the file with the conversation and its Portuguese translation in *.docx.
  • CLICK HERE for downloading the file with the conversation and its Portuguese translation in *.pdf.
Take a look at the video below with some explanations for the conversation.

Adapted from: Accessed on March 15, 2021.

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