Thursday, February 2, 2023



LearnEnglish Kids
British Council
Feb. 2023

What do you know about cyberbullying? Watch this video to find out what to do if you see cyberbullying.


When we're mean, we might say or do things that hurt others. We might be feeling angry, upset or jealous. It could happen once or maybe even twice. Being mean is not OK, but bullying is much worse.
Bullying is when someone uses their power repeatedly to hurt or upset someone. It could be hurting them physically or calling them names and saying hurtful things.
So then what's cyberbullying? Cyberbullying's like bullying, but it happens on the internet or on a device like your phone, which can make it kind of different.
With cyberbullying, it can feel harder to escape, because it can happen anywhere, any time. Also, it's easier for cyberbullies to hide who they are. Plus, other people online could see what's happening and even gang up on someone.
If you see someone being bullied, in person or online, what can you do?
Give them support. It helps to show that you care. Be an upstander. Stand up for others and say something to the bully.
Report what you see and tell a trusted adult.
So, what will you do if you see cyberbullying?

© Common Sense Education. All rights reserved.

  • CLICK HERE to download the worksheet, and HERE to access the website to do the activities online.

Adapted from: Accessed on February 2, 2023. © British Council. The United Kingdom’s international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities. All rights reserved.

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