Tuesday, December 1, 2020


HIV and AIDS / Sexual health

Topic: HIV and AIDS / Sexual health
Level: Entry level 2 - 3 / Scottish Access 3 – National 4 / CEFR A2 - B1
Time: 90 minutes

  • To extract meaning from specialised health leaflets
  • To develop students’ range of vocabulary related to health
Learners will be able to:
  • read and understood a simple health leaflet;
  • guess the meaning of new vocabulary from context;
  • speak about suggestions to improve health;
  • plan and write a simple text about health.
This lesson develops reading skills within the context of reading a health leaflet about HIV and AIDS. The reading text has been adapted from Skilled for Health resources found at: http://rwp.excellencegateway.org.uk/resource/Health+and+well-being%3A+Sexual+health+-+Theme+3+HIV+and+AIDS/pdf/1/

You will need:
  • Resource 1: copy to project or large copy to display;
  • Resource 2 to 4: 1 copy per learner;
  • Additional information: 1 copy per higher level learner where relevant;
  • Some health leaflets (from prison or outside);
  • Whiteboard (traditional or interactive) or flipchart paper.
Note: Firstly, be aware that not all ESOL learners will be comfortable talking about sexual health. This may be due to cultural or religious reasons related to their background. Secondly, teachers need to careful not to assume knowledge about sexual health issues and realise that there are many preconceptions about HIV and AIDS.

For downloading the procedures and activities, CLICK HERE (*.doc) or HERE (*.pdf).

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