Wednesday, December 16, 2020




Level 1 - 14-12-2020 - 07:00

Margaret Keenan is 90 years old. She is the first person in the world who gets the coronavirus vaccine. Margaret comes from the UK. The second person who gets the vaccine is William Shakespeare. He is 81 years old. He comes from the UK, too.
The UK is the first country which starts to vaccinate people officially against the coronavirus. December 8 becomes a very important day. Officials say that December 8 is the start of the end of the pandemic.
Some people are not so optimistic. They worry that the vaccine is not safe. They say that the tests must be longer. Officials say that the vaccine is safe. They want to vaccinate all people who are 80 years old or more.

Difficult words: vaccine (an injection that stops a person from getting a disease), vaccinate (to give people an injection so that they do not get a disease in the future), optimistic (when a person believes that good things will happen).

Source: Accessed on December 16, 2020.

Level 2 - 14-12-2020 - 07:00

90-year-old Margaret Keenan became the first person in the world to get the coronavirus vaccine officially. The second person to get the vaccine was 81-year-old William Shakespeare.
Both people got the vaccine at the University Hospital in Coventry, UK. Some people got the vaccine before them, but it was a part of the tests. Now, the UK became the first country in the world to officially vaccinate people. Health officials said that December 8 was the start of the end of the pandemic.
People who are 80 and over will be among the first to get the vaccine, but it can be difficult to vaccinate people who do not live in cities or small towns. Some people also worry that the vaccine is not safe because the tests were not thorough enough. Officials said that it was not true and that the vaccine was safe.

Difficult words: vaccine (a substance that stops a person from getting a disease), vaccinate (when a doctor gives a person an injection to stop him from getting a disease), thorough (careful and detailed).

Source: Accessed on December 16, 2020.

Level 3 - 14-12-2020 - 07:00

90-year-old Margaret Keenan is the first person in the world to receive the coronavirus vaccine officially outside of clinical trials. The second vaccine recipient is 81-year-old William Shakespeare.
Both recipients got vaccinated at the University Hospital in Coventry, UK, with the UK being the first country to give regulatory approval to the Pfizer vaccine. December 8 was dubbed ´V-Day´ by the country´s health secretary, and it was also the same day when the vaccination roll out began across the country. The secretary also said that December 8 was the beginning of the end of the pandemic.
However, the roll out of the vaccine is going to be a difficult task, especially in remote areas. Also, the UK government has to overcome skepticism around the vaccine´s safety despite claims that no corners have been cut in its development.

Difficult words: regulatory approval (registrations or permits that are issued by a government authority), roll out (the introduction of a new product or service), skepticism (feeling unsure), to cut corners (to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way).

Source: Accessed on December 16, 2020.

Covid-19 Vaccine: 90-Year-Old UK Patient Become First in the World to Receive Jab

Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld has his arm disinfected by Dr. Chao Wang during a clinical trial for a coronavirus vaccine. (Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/Getty Images) Source: (accessed on December 16, 2020).

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